Last weekend while I was away in Eildon, I collected a few things to go with my nature collection.
I have always collected little bits of nature...usually displayed them for a while and then recycled them.
Some special ones I have kept permanently, but most get recycled after I have had enough of them.. or they have gone mouldy our lost their colour etc!.
Here are a few collected this week...
Poppy seed pod heads, rose-hip, slate.
Lovely stone and a beautiful feather.
Acorns....I painted the cap and the few in the front with gel- medium in an attempt to keep the colour.
Next week I plan to paint them with idea if this will work... has anyone else done this and if so, what was your result? Success?
The whole group.
And just because I can.. here are my home grown tomatoes!
And some practice ink work with a TINY brush... yes, I know it looks large in the picture.. but that is macro for you!
So, tell me... what have you collected this week?
Today I am linking up to I Heart Macro, hosted by Lori. Please click on the photo logo below, to take you directly there and check out other photos for those who love up close and macro photography.
Hope you are enjoying your weekend,

Love all the things you have collected - the poppy seed heads are fabulous - none of those around my neck of the woods. I might check out the macro link - I love close up photography , I have a great lens just need the time and inspiration to use it.
Awesome bits and things you have collected there. I love the feather against the stone and the acrons are great! You have a lot of patience to be painting with that tiny brush - can't wait to see the whole thing! Have a wonderful one.
Lovely compositions.
Regards and best wishes
Love all your nature collections. Never have even thought of applying anything to found nature items to extend their life and colour. It makes sense...another new thing I learned in the amazing world of blogs.
Enjoyed all your beautiful picture especially your bright red tomatoes against that bright blue bowl.
Hope you enjoy the rest of your week.
Love your photos! Very artful work ;)
Your nature collection is quite lovely. I like it a lot. I know I couldn't have those things laying around because I'd forget about them and then have mold and decay all over the place. I'm forgetful like that so I have to watch what I bring in the house! ;)
Beautiful shots Jenni! All the colors and textures! That last shot of the drawing, I hope you will post a photo of the finished drawing!! I would love to see it!
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