
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Flea Market Purchases - I Heart Macro

Hello dear friends,

I do apologise for my darling Dad who is 91 is battling pneumonia....and even though he is quite an amazing fighter, he is slowly losing this last battle.
I have been trying to spend as much time with this is a very brief post before I head off to the hospital.
My head is really unable to get around doing much else. ( Combine this with my husband having an operation and my dog being diagnosed with diabetes..and you can see it has been a rather horrible week!)

I walked in the early morning sun to our local flea market...getting out in to sun and fresh air was lovely.
I drifted a bit aimlessly around the market...I really just wanted to find something nice and was really on the hunt for some metal bits and pieces ( no luck)...but of course when you are looking for that specific don't always find it!
But I did find these two  lovely bakelite boxes and a couple of old boot button hooks. The boxes have perfect  little compartments ...just right for jewellery. I love the aged yellow colour too. The photos show them a lot paler than they really are.  They are a gorgeous buttery colour. One  box has a softly rounded lid and the other is flat. I am pretty happy with this little find!

Today, I am linking up to I Heart Macro over with Lori at Studio head on over and take a look at other photos by macro and close - up - photography lovers. Always a good browse!

Until next time, jenni

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Playing with Metal

Hello dear friends,

Well Sunday ALMOST got away from me ...without posting to I Heart Macro! Can't have that!

I have been enjoying playing with metal ( a few frustrations, of course!) on and off today...Here are a few little things...still to be completed.

 I am linking up to Lori's for those who love to take up close and macro photographs...go check them out!

studio waterstone

Cheers...have a good night,

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Faces and Collage - working on "DEVELOP"

Hello dear friends,

I have started the new year of 2012 participating in an online course  where both paint and jewellery making techniques make a lovely marriage of ideas. Here is a peek in to the first area.

Having never painted a face.....or anything for that matter ( unless school art counts... and I wasn't any good at it that either!) has been a wonderful challenge and fun as well.

I am most definitely not a budding painter, but I am pleased with my first efforts. ( I can only improve!)
DEVELOP is my word for I included that in the story.

I am still working on the finished pieces......adding words and decorative elements......I will post a full finished look when I am happy with the finished product.

I hope you have started your year well and are working on your dreams, too.


Sunday, January 8, 2012

I Heart Macro - Beads and Gloves

Hello dear readers,

After our holiday away, I returned to the inevitable pile of mail. Amongst the bills and junk mail were two lovely surprises for me......two packages.
The first was a knitted pair of fingerless gloves that I had been lucky to win from By Sweet Mom after commenting in the Virtual Craft Show in Nov/Dec 2011. How lucky was I ...and all the way from Turkey. Thank you Sule, I love them. ( so do my daughter's, so I will have to hide them this winter!)

In the other parcel was a gorgeous lamp work bead from Carli at Bead-Licious. Last Christmas the small lamp work group I am a member of, The Flaming Matilda's, had a bead exchange and I was the lucky recipient of one of Carli's luscious beads. I love it Carli, thank is stunning.

 This beautiful floral lamp work bead has many layers, including dichroic,  butterfly murrini and hand made caps and core.

From this angle you can see the little bee murrini and cubic zirconia in centre of flower petals.

studio waterstone

Today, I am linking up to Studio Waterstone . Please hop on over for a look at some great up close and macro photos.


Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Photo a Day

Hello dear friends,

This year, as a fun way of becoming more observant with life around me and to learn to use the amazing amount of "instant" photography that can be applied to the iPhone and the many apps that are available to download to it, I joined up to the 2012/DEVELOP Flickr site for those who wish to participate by posting a photo a day.

The "developer" of this group is Tiffany and you can see her site at Develop Tiffany Dahle Photography.
You can choose to use a traditional camera should you so desire.  I just thought I would look at the world of iPhoneography .... yep, that relative new word that is becoming the catch cry of all those who love their iphone and camera.

At the moment, I am a bit of an Hipstamatic fan, but am looking forward to buying more photography apps (most apps cost only $1 or $2 ... so they are very affordable).

Courtesy of Tiffany's site, here is a list of the Top 7 Must-Have iPhoneography apps.  I can't wait to try out a few of these:

- FX Photo Studio
- ScratchCam FX
- Diptic
- Hipstamatic
- CameraBag
- Camera+

There is a lot more information on this site including links to free pdf downloads and to other photographers who have also captured photos in a creative way over the course of a year.
So, head on over, take a look and join in if you wish.
It doesn't matter that a week of 2012 has passed - there are many more days to go .... 259 to be precise (we get an extra day this year as it is a leap year)

As well as posting on the official  Flickr site of Project2012/Develop, I have also added a photo roll to my blog side-bar if you wish to see my daily photo posting, as I certainly don't intend to bore you stupid by posting a daily photo on my blog! Just click on the flickr logo link on the left.

So, here are a few photos from the first week of 2012. Both are taken using the Hipstamatic app, but  varying the lens and film, giving two totally different, and yet aged, looks.

This clock was taken using the Hipstamatic app with a John S lens and a Blanko film

This photo was also used with the Hipstamatic app but with a Jimmy lens and Ina's 1969 film.

What do you think? ... do you want to join in the fun, now? By the way, you do not have to have an iPhone to join in!! Any camera or camera-phone will do.

Cheers for now,

Monday, January 2, 2012

It's Almost Time!

Hello dear friend,

Just a small reminder that the 5th Bead Soup Blog Party organised by Lori Anderson will be opening for registration on the 7th- 9th January.

If you have ever wanted to join in to a wonderful jewelry, worldwide event...then this is the one. It's lots of get to meet and be inspired by an amazing array of artists from around the world.
This year numbers are limited and participants will be chosen by lottery...but give it a go never know your luck!

I hope to meet you there,
Cheers for now,

Sunday, January 1, 2012

I Heart macro - Magnolia

Hello dear readers,

I think this is a type of large Magnolia...the flower is as wide as my outstretched hand; so beautiful.
If you know it's real name can you tell me?

Linking up to I Heart Macro..for those who love close up and macro photography.

studio waterstone

Hop on over to check out the other participant's photos.

Bring It On!

Hello dear friends,

As much as I enjoy the holidays, both Christmas and New Year, I do look forward to getting back in to the swing of everyday life again ... and all the fun and challenges to be met along the way.

As you know, we have been holidaying in Sydney this year. Much of that time has just been spent relaxing, with some sightseeing and a little shopping.
We caught up with friends from years ago and were welcomed in to their family for both Christmas and New Year's Eve .... now that is a gift so precious that can't be purchased.

Last night we had drinks overlooking the lovely manicured lawns of the Royal Sydney Golf Club and then progressed along to N's apartment for a meal and further celebrations.
Her charming apartment is right on the water and looks north-west across the waters of Sydney Harbour to the Harbour Bridge and the city lights.

The tide was out, the moon was shining and a cool breeze floated in through the dining room windows. As we sat at the table, we could see lights twinkling on the boats and in the city.
It could not have been any more perfect.

The tide is almost completely out here. Just on sunset.

The water is so close! Windows in the dining room...can you feel that gentle breeze?

Beautiful chandelier in N's dining room. Lovely washed green walls.

After our meal, we strolled down to the beach for a closer look of the fireworks. What a beautiful display. Of course, it is always difficult to capture the thrill of a good fireworks show on camera. I used the iPhone app "Hipstamatic" which gives a slightly aged appearance to the photos.

The crowd gathered on the beach for a closer view of the Sydney Harbour Bridge fireworks.

Today, as I get slightly back to normality, I have joined up for a fun photography project,  PROJECT 2012, taking a photo a day for the coming year. I chose my iphone as my camera of choice for this project as I really wish to explore the amazing capabilities of it, including the many fun apps that can be purchased to go with the iphone camera.

On the sidebar of my blog, I have started a folder for my daily photos, which will be posted to the Flickr Group, "Project 2012".  It's a very easy process to join in, if you are interested - you just have to sign up and get a Flickr name etc (free) ... and away you go. It is also particularly easy to post directly to Flickr from your iphone.

Today will be spent recovering, tidying and starting to pack a little for the road trip back to Melbourne in a few days.
Whatever you are doing on this first day of 2012, enjoy.
