
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Bring It On!

Hello dear friends,

As much as I enjoy the holidays, both Christmas and New Year, I do look forward to getting back in to the swing of everyday life again ... and all the fun and challenges to be met along the way.

As you know, we have been holidaying in Sydney this year. Much of that time has just been spent relaxing, with some sightseeing and a little shopping.
We caught up with friends from years ago and were welcomed in to their family for both Christmas and New Year's Eve .... now that is a gift so precious that can't be purchased.

Last night we had drinks overlooking the lovely manicured lawns of the Royal Sydney Golf Club and then progressed along to N's apartment for a meal and further celebrations.
Her charming apartment is right on the water and looks north-west across the waters of Sydney Harbour to the Harbour Bridge and the city lights.

The tide was out, the moon was shining and a cool breeze floated in through the dining room windows. As we sat at the table, we could see lights twinkling on the boats and in the city.
It could not have been any more perfect.

The tide is almost completely out here. Just on sunset.

The water is so close! Windows in the dining room...can you feel that gentle breeze?

Beautiful chandelier in N's dining room. Lovely washed green walls.

After our meal, we strolled down to the beach for a closer look of the fireworks. What a beautiful display. Of course, it is always difficult to capture the thrill of a good fireworks show on camera. I used the iPhone app "Hipstamatic" which gives a slightly aged appearance to the photos.

The crowd gathered on the beach for a closer view of the Sydney Harbour Bridge fireworks.

Today, as I get slightly back to normality, I have joined up for a fun photography project,  PROJECT 2012, taking a photo a day for the coming year. I chose my iphone as my camera of choice for this project as I really wish to explore the amazing capabilities of it, including the many fun apps that can be purchased to go with the iphone camera.

On the sidebar of my blog, I have started a folder for my daily photos, which will be posted to the Flickr Group, "Project 2012".  It's a very easy process to join in, if you are interested - you just have to sign up and get a Flickr name etc (free) ... and away you go. It is also particularly easy to post directly to Flickr from your iphone.

Today will be spent recovering, tidying and starting to pack a little for the road trip back to Melbourne in a few days.
Whatever you are doing on this first day of 2012, enjoy.



  1. sounding like a fantastic holiday; glad it's been so nice for you and you couldn't ask for better weather-wise. We've escaped the big heatwaves (so far). Enjoy. Lovely photographs; love the view looking out the window into the water shot!

  2. Jenni, thank you for taking us along on your holiday trip to Sidney. I have enjoyed reading about your adventures and viewing your photographs. Have a safe trip back home.


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni