
Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Word!

Hello friends,

Last year, I noticed that many blogging friends chose a word that spoke to them and was pertinent for their journey for the coming year. I thought I might join the party and try and find 'my' word  for 2012.
I have been mulling over this for weeks.....choosing and re-choosing yet again. Thinking each time I had it, but feeling not entirely positive about my choice.

But this morning while browsing the internet ( not for words, just general stuff!) a word jumped from the page and in to my brain and heart and I just knew it was for me.

You might think "what is all the big deal over a word all about?!", but for those of you who join in this bit of fun, I am sure you understand how important it is to have just THE word that you know to be right.

The word that chose me really, is "DEVELOP"

-to bring out the capabilities or possibilities of
-to cause to grow or expand
-to bring into being; generate; evolve. This meaning of the word was sourced from DEVELOP - Tiffany Dahle Photography

Why this word? Well, this is what this word spoke to me about....I will...
- continue to develop my bead and jewelry making skills,
-to develop a style that speaks to me...maybe even begin to sell beads/components, etc
-to further develop my blog, including computer and photography areas,
-and of course to develop and evolve in all areas of my personal life.

So, tell me..."Have you chosen your word yet?"

To see other WORD choices, I have linked up to My Heart Art....pop by and check them all out.

Cheers for now on this last day of 2011,



  1. Great pick, you have given me something to think about it.
    Happy New Year, may it bring you health and happiness and many opportunities to develop yourself to all that you can be.

  2. a nice goal you've chosen to work around for 2012; best wishes...

  3. I like your word, and your goal for the coming year. I too hope to try to develop some new techniques for my jewellery designs in the coming year. It is always great to experiment, learn and grow! Happy New Year!

  4. Well you have me thinking... I have been sensing a change coming so my word would have something to do with change. Hope you have a great 2012 and develop in wonderful and happy ways!

  5. I totally had a word last year and even though I made a big deal about it and tried, it just didn't work out for me. The word was forgotten and fell by the wayside. I'm trying a new tactic this year and wish YOU much more luck in achieving your goals for the coming year. Much happiness to you in the year ahead!

  6. Happy New Year Jenni - I guess it's already 2012 for you...Hope you had a great time and all the very best for the year ahead.

  7. Hi Jenni, Happy New Year! I like your word it is profound and makes a lot of sense and since we develop day to day it should be something you can accomplish. My word is awake! After all the personal things that happened to me in 2011 (chose not to share these things on my blog or Facebook) I am going into 2012 wide awake and hope that I stay alert!

  8. Great word Thanks for linking into my blog

  9. What a fantastic word! Good luck in the coming year.

  10. DEVELOP is a great word! Hope your 2012 develops in wonderful ways!

    My word is CONNECT.


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni