
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Faces and Collage - working on "DEVELOP"

Hello dear friends,

I have started the new year of 2012 participating in an online course  where both paint and jewellery making techniques make a lovely marriage of ideas. Here is a peek in to the first area.

Having never painted a face.....or anything for that matter ( unless school art counts... and I wasn't any good at it that either!) has been a wonderful challenge and fun as well.

I am most definitely not a budding painter, but I am pleased with my first efforts. ( I can only improve!)
DEVELOP is my word for I included that in the story.

I am still working on the finished pieces......adding words and decorative elements......I will post a full finished look when I am happy with the finished product.

I hope you have started your year well and are working on your dreams, too.



  1. Looks like fun! So nice to stretch into a new direction! Hope 2012 "develops" into an awesome year for you!

  2. hi Jenni, You did just great with your painted faces and I like your word choice for 2012. Mine is optimistic. I am trying to see the future in a more positive light despite hard times on a personal and worldwide level.

  3. Jenni, Your project looks great and you are truly developing, it can only get better from here.


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni