
Sunday, January 8, 2012

I Heart Macro - Beads and Gloves

Hello dear readers,

After our holiday away, I returned to the inevitable pile of mail. Amongst the bills and junk mail were two lovely surprises for me......two packages.
The first was a knitted pair of fingerless gloves that I had been lucky to win from By Sweet Mom after commenting in the Virtual Craft Show in Nov/Dec 2011. How lucky was I ...and all the way from Turkey. Thank you Sule, I love them. ( so do my daughter's, so I will have to hide them this winter!)

In the other parcel was a gorgeous lamp work bead from Carli at Bead-Licious. Last Christmas the small lamp work group I am a member of, The Flaming Matilda's, had a bead exchange and I was the lucky recipient of one of Carli's luscious beads. I love it Carli, thank is stunning.

 This beautiful floral lamp work bead has many layers, including dichroic,  butterfly murrini and hand made caps and core.

From this angle you can see the little bee murrini and cubic zirconia in centre of flower petals.

studio waterstone

Today, I am linking up to Studio Waterstone . Please hop on over for a look at some great up close and macro photos.



  1. Thanks Patti..yes it is a much work to make a bead like this!

  2. So you got the gloves! I noticed a lot of interest for these during the VCS. Lucky you :-)
    And the bead is oh so gorgeous. Do do a post on a finished piece of jewellery.

  3. beautiful shots and love that bead....and that little bee in

  4. Great shots. Those gloves are very nice and that bead is gorgeous!!

  5. I am really so honoured, thanks a lot Jenni:))

  6. Jenni, The gloves are great. The glass bead is gorgeous! I love all of the little details that went in to making it a stunner.

  7. What a beautiful bead! And the gloves look so warm!

  8. Great shots!
    Beautiful bead and gloves.

  9. Wonderful shots...wonderful gifts.

  10. I was in awe of those finger-less gloves too! Really nice--congrats to you!

    And the bead is exquisite! You WERE lucky to get two such special packages at once!

  11. Awesome packages to get after the holidays! The craftsmanship of the bead is top notch.

  12. I LOVE her gloves! I commissioned a 100% cotton pair from her in specific colors and they are DIVINE! First pair that actually worked for me out of all I've bought!

  13. Oh, nice surprises in the mail! I LOVE that bead!


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