
Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Photo a Day

Hello dear friends,

This year, as a fun way of becoming more observant with life around me and to learn to use the amazing amount of "instant" photography that can be applied to the iPhone and the many apps that are available to download to it, I joined up to the 2012/DEVELOP Flickr site for those who wish to participate by posting a photo a day.

The "developer" of this group is Tiffany and you can see her site at Develop Tiffany Dahle Photography.
You can choose to use a traditional camera should you so desire.  I just thought I would look at the world of iPhoneography .... yep, that relative new word that is becoming the catch cry of all those who love their iphone and camera.

At the moment, I am a bit of an Hipstamatic fan, but am looking forward to buying more photography apps (most apps cost only $1 or $2 ... so they are very affordable).

Courtesy of Tiffany's site, here is a list of the Top 7 Must-Have iPhoneography apps.  I can't wait to try out a few of these:

- FX Photo Studio
- ScratchCam FX
- Diptic
- Hipstamatic
- CameraBag
- Camera+

There is a lot more information on this site including links to free pdf downloads and to other photographers who have also captured photos in a creative way over the course of a year.
So, head on over, take a look and join in if you wish.
It doesn't matter that a week of 2012 has passed - there are many more days to go .... 259 to be precise (we get an extra day this year as it is a leap year)

As well as posting on the official  Flickr site of Project2012/Develop, I have also added a photo roll to my blog side-bar if you wish to see my daily photo posting, as I certainly don't intend to bore you stupid by posting a daily photo on my blog! Just click on the flickr logo link on the left.

So, here are a few photos from the first week of 2012. Both are taken using the Hipstamatic app, but  varying the lens and film, giving two totally different, and yet aged, looks.

This clock was taken using the Hipstamatic app with a John S lens and a Blanko film

This photo was also used with the Hipstamatic app but with a Jimmy lens and Ina's 1969 film.

What do you think? ... do you want to join in the fun, now? By the way, you do not have to have an iPhone to join in!! Any camera or camera-phone will do.

Cheers for now,


  1. oh my goodness. Lovely photos Jenni but I'm lost in the i-phone-photos-apps data I'm afraid. I don't have an i-phone myself but I admire that you're ready to take it on with such great enthusiasm. Well done with your pics!

  2. Great pics, looking forward to seeing more.

  3. Beautiful images! I've got no i-phone, but I love the texture using various combos of apps gives you. I can't wait to see more.

  4. Great images - both of them!

  5. Thanks everyone for your kind comments, can't believe a week has gone of 2012 already!

  6. Beautiful photos!

    I do love all the effects you can apply to photos nowadays with home computers. Or smartphones if you've got one of those. So many possibilities and so available even for us who aren't pro photographers or graphic artists.

    Actually I just popped by to give you a link to the Pixlr-o-matic you asked about on my blog. Check it out here: It's a free online software, downloadable software and an app. I'm sure you could have a lot of fun with it.


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni