
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Flea Market Purchases - I Heart Macro

Hello dear friends,

I do apologise for my darling Dad who is 91 is battling pneumonia....and even though he is quite an amazing fighter, he is slowly losing this last battle.
I have been trying to spend as much time with this is a very brief post before I head off to the hospital.
My head is really unable to get around doing much else. ( Combine this with my husband having an operation and my dog being diagnosed with diabetes..and you can see it has been a rather horrible week!)

I walked in the early morning sun to our local flea market...getting out in to sun and fresh air was lovely.
I drifted a bit aimlessly around the market...I really just wanted to find something nice and was really on the hunt for some metal bits and pieces ( no luck)...but of course when you are looking for that specific don't always find it!
But I did find these two  lovely bakelite boxes and a couple of old boot button hooks. The boxes have perfect  little compartments ...just right for jewellery. I love the aged yellow colour too. The photos show them a lot paler than they really are.  They are a gorgeous buttery colour. One  box has a softly rounded lid and the other is flat. I am pretty happy with this little find!

Today, I am linking up to I Heart Macro over with Lori at Studio head on over and take a look at other photos by macro and close - up - photography lovers. Always a good browse!

Until next time, jenni


  1. Jenni,
    Sorry to hear about your Father, I hope that the hospital is making it comfortable for him. I hope that your husband is doing ok after his surgery. What do you do about a dog that has diabetes? Those boxes you found are so neat and you can tuck away all sorts of goodies in them.
    Take care,

  2. Best wishes to you and your dad, Jenni! I went through that in the 90s with my dad, so I know how difficult it is. Good thoughts also to your hubby and your puppy, too! That's a lot to deal with all at once!

    I'm glad that you took a break and found some fun things at the flea market. Those are such cool boxes :~)

  3. So sorry your having a tough time Jenni - seems it does come in 3's. Love the boxes - perfect bead storage and so much more character than made for stuff.
    take care.

  4. I'm sorry you're having such a rough week. I hope things turn around soon. I love the boxes. They are a wonderful find.

  5. Jenni,
    I am so sorry about your dad. Big hugs to you guys. Good thoughts for your hubby and your puppy! Love those boxes and the boot hooks are cool!

  6. I'm so sorry to read about the tough situation you're going through right now :-(
    I wish things turn for the better!

  7. I'm sorry to hear that you're going through such a hard time right now - my thoughts will be with you and yours.

    I do like the pics of the boxes, though - those are really nice!

  8. so sorry to hear of what a hard time you are going through right now. Sending lot's of thought and prayers for healing and strength your way.

    Those are beautiful pictures of some beautiful finds!

  9. Prayers for you and your family. Glad you could find some fun in your day. The boxes are great.

  10. Lucky you...walking distance within a flea market. Don't you just love unexpected little treasures?
    It seems like it was a much needed break from "life".

  11. Oh boy, you don't know how many times I've searched for these on Ebay and have yet to buy one. They're part of our cultural history. You have a great find.

    Hope your dad will not suffer much. Sad. But 91...that's an amazing life lived!!

    My Monday Post if you'd like to stop by to

  12. Ooohhh...I really like that! Great find :)

    Prayers for your father :)

  13. I'm sorry about your dad and will be thinking of you!


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