
Saturday, March 31, 2012

New On-Line Fun!

Hello dear friends,

I have participated in a few on-line classes now. I find them a great way to learn... at my own pace... even in my PJ's if I want! Not that I do that?!
I love that I can play the videos over and over... my brain seems to need that these days! I also like seeing the details up close and hearing all about the work being taught without any background noise or distraction. It's great to enlarge the video to full screen and pause when needed.

This next on-line course is all about clasps and is taught by Deryn Mentock. I just love Deryn's style and work. She is a great and patient teacher and always participates on-line with her students on the class forum, answering questions and giving sound advice.

The class starts in 2 days... so you might start seeing a few posts about it in the weeks to come.

Hope you are having a happy weekend,

Make sure you give a big hug to those you love,


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Sister's Gift

Hello dear friends,

When I saw these stones all wrapped up in their little nets of crochet, I fell in love.
I cannot my dear sister made them for me.

She said she struggled with it initially... as apparently the way crochet patterns are explained, does differ according to whether it is an American or English pattern! Now she has got it down pat...there may be a few more requests...or even some different patterns blossoming.

While doing some blog surfing ( Research!)  I came across this wonderful blog called Resurrection Fern. Margaret Oomen is a textile designer and these crocheted stone covers are her design.
Her blog is lovely. Beautiful photos and lots of creativity... pop on over and take a peek!

I saw an article  about  Margaret's 'Little Urchin Crochet Covered Sea Stones' at The Purl Bee and this is the pattern my sister used to make the ones for me. It is available free with great explanation and photos.

Here are a few photos.

The grey one is actually a pale green.

Up even closer!

I have had a collection of stones for quite a while, so it is good to be able to do something extra with them!

Just look at these beauties! Hopefully my sister can make a few something like this one day.

Hope you are all having a wonderful day,

Monday, March 26, 2012

Birds in my Garden - Rainbow Lorikeet

Hello dear friends,

I have a small suburban garden, not far from the major city of Melbourne.
I love birds and over the years have had many varieties visit. I am going to try and attract a few more!

The weather is starting to get a little cooler now and while there are still lots of natural bird feed still around, I thought it was time to hang up the wild bird seed.

Normally I hang the wild-bird seed ring in a tree, but this time I thought it could hang from a post near our new deck area. That way I could sit and watch any visiting birds from the dining room table... what joy!

My husband installing the hanging bracket.

The first visitor was the dove.

And then the Rainbow Lorikeets came....welcome!

They are really enjoying this!

Have a great day... got to dash and get my day going.
If I stay here much longer the morning will have disappeared!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

I Heart Macro - Aqua Love

Hello my friends,

I am a lover of aqua-blue in any shade. Pale or deep in colour, slightly green or on the baby blue side... I just love it.
When browsing on Pinterest some time ago, I saw an idea to emulate those beautiful aqua-blue Mason jars, now quite a collectible item. (along with their collectible price!) So, I decided to give it a go, using the ingredients I already had at home.

I used a very basic little old Vegemite jar... use whatever you have in the cupboard.
To some Matt medium, I added some aqua - blue ink. ( Other people who have tried this have recommended food- dye and mod-podge... but I used what I had in my art box.)
I painted the outside of the jar and the result was a soft, pretty aqua.

The strong blue thins out to pale and pretty when applied to the jar. I have only painted one coat on the outside so far.

Much prettier than a plain old jar! I need to do a few more coats both on outside and maybe on the inside.

The above jars and photo is from Craft Berry Bush

I guess you could do this in an array of colours to suit your taste and decor.

Today, I am linking up to I Heart Macro hosted by Lori... head on over and check out all those lovely macro and close-up photos.

studio waterstone

Hoping you are enjoying your weekend,

Saturday, March 24, 2012

My weekend

Hello my friends,

Today has been a little busy as Saturdays sometimes turn out. I went to the computer shop today to sit in on a little course... and to do a little drooling over the new iPad!

Here are some more plans for the weekend...

Do some drawing homework before my class next week.

Catch a photo or two of birds eating the wild bird seed that I hung up yesterday.

Cook up the last of the home grown tomatoes and basil.

Put away some tools and fire up the torch in the studio now the weather is cooler.

See this movie.

Wash and hug this little terror... who never stays still for a photo!

Do a little bit of re-decorating.

Water the indoor plants.

Phew! I thought it was a quiet one!
What are your plans for the weekend...hope it's a good one.


Friday, March 23, 2012


Hello friends,

Last night my daughter heard a lot of noise coming from inside the chimney in her bedroom.
Dust came through the gap near the grate... in to the room.
We know we couldn't manage whatever was in there...

So, we called Nigel from Nigel's Animal Rescue to sort out the problem for us.
And this is the result...

A Female Magpie had fallen down the chimney and could not get out.

Nigel checked her wings to make sure there was no damage, fortunately there was none.

Here is a short video of the Magpie rescue. ( Requires Adobe Flash to see video)

He then took her to the kitchen where he gently washed the soot from her beak and face and gave her a drink which she loved.
We then set her free outside. She sat quietly on Nigel's hand for a few minutes before flying off in to the night.

If you look at Nigel's site you can see the extraordinary work and rescues he has done over time. A tireless worker... he often works a 16 hour day to help trapped animals.....and then looks after a lot of them at home, as well.

Thank goodness there are people around like Nigel! Apparently he has been named..."Australia's answer to Dr. DoLittle"

Thanks, Nigel.

Cheers for now,

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Natural Collections

Hello dear friends,

Last weekend while I was away in Eildon, I collected a few things to go with my nature collection.
I have always collected little bits of nature...usually displayed them for a while and then recycled them.
Some special ones I have kept permanently, but most get recycled after I have had enough of them.. or they have gone mouldy our lost their colour etc!.

Here are a few collected this week...

 Poppy seed pod heads, rose-hip, slate.

Lovely stone and a beautiful feather.

Acorns....I painted the cap and the few in the front with gel- medium in an attempt to keep the colour.
Next week I plan to paint them with idea if this will work... has anyone else done this and if so, what was your result? Success?

The whole group.

And just because I can.. here are my home grown tomatoes!

And some practice ink work with a TINY brush... yes, I know it looks large in the picture.. but that is macro for you!

So, tell me... what have you collected this week?

Today I am linking up to I Heart Macro, hosted by Lori. Please click on the photo logo below, to take you directly there and check out other photos for those who love up close and macro photography.

studio waterstone

Hope you are enjoying your weekend, 


Monday, March 12, 2012

A Little Trip- Eildon

Hello dear friends,

My husband and I had a short but lovely time away in the country this last weekend...  I was really craving a bit of fresh air and country vistas! We stayed in a little caravan park cabin in Eildon with my SIL and her DH.

On the way, we drove through country towns that had been almost completely destroyed from bush fires three years ago... it was so good to see houses being rebuilt and new forest growth, green and lush.

New delicate growth is apparent on these blackened giants.

Old house and bus in a country town.

Caution...Wombats cross on this road!

"The Pondage".... created from overspill from Eildon Weir... lots of wildlife to see here... of course I forgot the binoculars!

Wish my camera lens was longer!

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo.

It ended way too quickly of course, next time we will stay longer... and I will bring my binoculars!

And because I missed out on I Heart Macro yesterday... I am adding my photo today. So, head on over to Lori's for a look at other close up and macro photo fun.

A pretty but naughty caterpillar eating my vine leaf.

studio waterstone

Click on the photo link above to take you straight there.

Until next time,

Sunday, March 4, 2012 well do you use it?

Hello dear friends,

Well the question on my lips today is...if you are a pinner ( and those addicted to Pinterest.. as I am ) will know what I am talking about..."Do you make good use of all those pins you have so carefully collated in to such attractive boards?"

In all honesty, I have to say I am not that good at making full use of many of the wonderful ideas so generously given and now pinned to my growing collection of boards... but I KNOW I will, down the track!
I have made the odd meal and cleaned my toilet in a new way. I have certainly been inspired by lots of beautiful jewelery and photos and felt childlike excitement when one of my own photos has been repinned or liked.

I am starting to "know" people and a little of their tastes and look forward each time I open Pinterest to see what my followers and those who I follow have added that day.
Yes... it certainly sounds like I am doing way too much virtual pinning and not enough DOING!

Time to stop that! Time to get out the actual pins and use them!
Today I decided to dust off the sewing machine and try to make one of these little birds I had re-pinned on to my Pinterest craft board
The original source came from Do It Yourself. There is a very easy pattern and instructions to print out.
Do have a look. There is also a Flickr site for showing off your finished bird creations using this design.

Here is my first bird...taking shape

An old silk tie was used for the underbelly

Looking a little lifeless... but you can see more of his shape.

Needs eyes and perhaps wings to bring him to life. Decided to fray the tail rather than sew... it looks a little feathery.

The birds were originally intended as wedding decorations. To make it more my own, I thought I might add some embroidery, possibly some copper wings and then create a little bird mobile, perhaps joining a few together... or I might just make a whole flock and sit them in these branches!

I am linking up to Lori's at I Heart Macro today. A Place for those who love to take close up and macro photos.

Hope you are all having a great weekend

studio waterstone