
Saturday, March 24, 2012

My weekend

Hello my friends,

Today has been a little busy as Saturdays sometimes turn out. I went to the computer shop today to sit in on a little course... and to do a little drooling over the new iPad!

Here are some more plans for the weekend...

Do some drawing homework before my class next week.

Catch a photo or two of birds eating the wild bird seed that I hung up yesterday.

Cook up the last of the home grown tomatoes and basil.

Put away some tools and fire up the torch in the studio now the weather is cooler.

See this movie.

Wash and hug this little terror... who never stays still for a photo!

Do a little bit of re-decorating.

Water the indoor plants.

Phew! I thought it was a quiet one!
What are your plans for the weekend...hope it's a good one.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Jenni,
    Your plans sound a whole lot better than mine. I will be at work from 6am to 2pm Saturday and Sunday. When I get home today I will also be giving my new little pup a bath cause he smells like a stinky old dog LOL! Next I will be taking a 30 minute walk. Then I will be working on some projects for up coming challenges that I signed up for.
    Enjoy your weekend!


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