
Sunday, March 4, 2012 well do you use it?

Hello dear friends,

Well the question on my lips today is...if you are a pinner ( and those addicted to Pinterest.. as I am ) will know what I am talking about..."Do you make good use of all those pins you have so carefully collated in to such attractive boards?"

In all honesty, I have to say I am not that good at making full use of many of the wonderful ideas so generously given and now pinned to my growing collection of boards... but I KNOW I will, down the track!
I have made the odd meal and cleaned my toilet in a new way. I have certainly been inspired by lots of beautiful jewelery and photos and felt childlike excitement when one of my own photos has been repinned or liked.

I am starting to "know" people and a little of their tastes and look forward each time I open Pinterest to see what my followers and those who I follow have added that day.
Yes... it certainly sounds like I am doing way too much virtual pinning and not enough DOING!

Time to stop that! Time to get out the actual pins and use them!
Today I decided to dust off the sewing machine and try to make one of these little birds I had re-pinned on to my Pinterest craft board
The original source came from Do It Yourself. There is a very easy pattern and instructions to print out.
Do have a look. There is also a Flickr site for showing off your finished bird creations using this design.

Here is my first bird...taking shape

An old silk tie was used for the underbelly

Looking a little lifeless... but you can see more of his shape.

Needs eyes and perhaps wings to bring him to life. Decided to fray the tail rather than sew... it looks a little feathery.

The birds were originally intended as wedding decorations. To make it more my own, I thought I might add some embroidery, possibly some copper wings and then create a little bird mobile, perhaps joining a few together... or I might just make a whole flock and sit them in these branches!

I am linking up to Lori's at I Heart Macro today. A Place for those who love to take close up and macro photos.

Hope you are all having a great weekend

studio waterstone


  1. Very sweet! Love that colorful shot of the pins! Yes, I like pinning but man oh man it's addicting and a really hot topic! FUN, project! Looks like you will get good use of it!

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  3. I find Blogging take way too much of my time as it is, to try something else as well.

    Cute bird, love your shots.

  4. oh how cute, what a great little bird and just love the colours you've used....

  5. love your macro! Would make cool postcards!

  6. It looks so "peacock like" with the pins still in! Each of these photographs is so much fun for it's own reason. I can't quite imagine how you got them in to place and took the photos, without them falling out of place. That's the sort of thing that would happen to me! Ha! I'd be fussing with that bird in the tree for sure! :-) Really fun grouping of photos and story!

  7. I'm still pin challenged...trying to figure out what's actually going on.. although some of the colour boards are awsome!

    Cute bird.. & yes if your going to pin it you need to leave the pins in the tail!

  8. I like your macro photo very much.

    Regards and best wishes

  9. Hi Jenni...I am Genie and I have really enjoyed your post on pinning. I was educated by Dominican nuns, and I definitely know the importance of pinning. I both pin and baste a la nauseaum. I love the new spray fabric glue. I has been a lifesaver with my quilting and sewing and does make things go faster. Your wedding decorations are going to be beautiful. genie

  10. Hi Jenni...I am Genie and I have really enjoyed your post on pinning. I was educated by Dominican nuns, and I definitely know the importance of pinning. I both pin and baste a la nauseaum. I love the new spray fabric glue. I has been a lifesaver with my quilting and sewing and does make things go faster. Your wedding decorations are going to be beautiful. genie

  11. Jenni,
    That is a cute bird with lots of possibilities. I do not pin yet. I have looked at the site, but I just don't know. Just keeping up with the blogs is enough for now I think.

  12. oh my gosh that is such a cute bird!!! Love the pins macro shot that's great!!


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