
Monday, March 12, 2012

A Little Trip- Eildon

Hello dear friends,

My husband and I had a short but lovely time away in the country this last weekend...  I was really craving a bit of fresh air and country vistas! We stayed in a little caravan park cabin in Eildon with my SIL and her DH.

On the way, we drove through country towns that had been almost completely destroyed from bush fires three years ago... it was so good to see houses being rebuilt and new forest growth, green and lush.

New delicate growth is apparent on these blackened giants.

Old house and bus in a country town.

Caution...Wombats cross on this road!

"The Pondage".... created from overspill from Eildon Weir... lots of wildlife to see here... of course I forgot the binoculars!

Wish my camera lens was longer!

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo.

It ended way too quickly of course, next time we will stay longer... and I will bring my binoculars!

And because I missed out on I Heart Macro yesterday... I am adding my photo today. So, head on over to Lori's for a look at other close up and macro photo fun.

A pretty but naughty caterpillar eating my vine leaf.

studio waterstone

Click on the photo link above to take you straight there.

Until next time,


  1. Very cool shot of the caterpillar. Such neat colors.

  2. These are all so good, but such a great macro of that caterpillar!

  3. What a lovely time you must have had.!

  4. Thanks everyone for dropping by and being so kind to comment, Jenni


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni