
Saturday, March 3, 2012

At Last, a Dress Form

Hello friends,

I have been looking for a while... and finally she found me.

She is by no means perfect...
Her shape is not quite what it once was...
She is fraying in places and there are many marks from age and use...
No-one wanted her and her value was reduced...

So I took her to my place and here she stands in all her faded and worn beauty... welcome home.
I can't wait to display jewellery on her... that is, after all, part of the reason why I did look for a dressmakers model for some years.

Unfortunately she is a little flattened on one side!

But from this angle it is not too noticeable!

I love the top and the number 21.

What a beautiful contour from this side!

A scarf helps!

I found a scrap of paper at the base labelled "165 Colli." I believe that is meant to be "Collins" Street, a well-known locale for high-fashion clothing in Melbourne's CBD. The design studios and dress-makers were historically in the buildings above the shop-fronts.

So, I looked up the address. That number in Collins Street is now a large modern shopping complex, spanning more than that street number alone.

Further research showed it was once the address of 'Chartres House', a building erected in the 1920's and now demolished. I believe she once belonged there... maybe to a dressmaker?

There are also faded-red-stamped words on the body of the dress form... difficult to decipher... but I am pretty sure the top line says "London & Paris". On the second line, the word "office" is legible and the third line appears to say "Melbourne".

So, she remains a bit of a mystery girl... exactly how old she is and where she came from is unclear.

I would like to give her a name. None are obvious to me yet...

Any ideas welcomed... I would love your suggestions!

Until next time, 


  1. Wow, Jenni, awesome dress form! I love the way you've investigated her past. The worn places just give her character, I think.

  2. Thanks Leslie..both for the lovely comment above and for becoming my latest follower. I am enjoying your blog, too.

  3. Oh Jenni I am soooo jelous! I've been looking for one of these too.New ones are so expensive and characterless and old ones so hard to come by. She is beautiful and I love that she is not perfect -are any of us. How about calling her Coco after Coco Chanel...

  4. Jenni congratulations on a terrific find. So what she is a little bumped and tattered around the edges. Don't we all take some knocks with age? The first name to come to mind is Adeline the name means little noble.

  5. Mine is Prudence, I got her from Eaton's when it closed in Saskatoon 15 (?) years ago.... I bought her a green evening gown at a second hand store for a couple of $ and she lives in the bedroom ... Her head is a wooden dowel... THe combination of the bedroom being on the north side of the house, the dark green dress and the orange walls unfortunately make for very difficult photographs... Guess she needs a new room and a new much lighter coloured dress!

  6. fabulous for your jewellery photography; you did extra well with this find

  7. Wow. She is so cool! I am seriously jealous :-) I have just ordered one off ebay but she won't be anywhere near as cool as yours!

  8. That lady is strong and commanding, yet soft and romantic. I would name her Justine.

  9. She is wonderful! What a lovely lady she is. Fabulous find. Now...what are you going to name her?

  10. She looks great, nothing like a bit of character. My name suggestions would be Carla, Belle.


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