
Saturday, March 31, 2012

New On-Line Fun!

Hello dear friends,

I have participated in a few on-line classes now. I find them a great way to learn... at my own pace... even in my PJ's if I want! Not that I do that?!
I love that I can play the videos over and over... my brain seems to need that these days! I also like seeing the details up close and hearing all about the work being taught without any background noise or distraction. It's great to enlarge the video to full screen and pause when needed.

This next on-line course is all about clasps and is taught by Deryn Mentock. I just love Deryn's style and work. She is a great and patient teacher and always participates on-line with her students on the class forum, answering questions and giving sound advice.

The class starts in 2 days... so you might start seeing a few posts about it in the weeks to come.

Hope you are having a happy weekend,

Make sure you give a big hug to those you love,



  1. I saw that class on her blog - very interested in doing it - and thanks for the visit over on my blog - it is good to think that there is someone out there lurking around! LOL

  2. I am very interested in doing it. I have never done anything like that but I know that Deryn would be great. I just can't even start looking at the lessons for at least another month.. that is what is holding me back. But you might just see me in there too!
    Enjoy the day!


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni