
Monday, March 26, 2012

Birds in my Garden - Rainbow Lorikeet

Hello dear friends,

I have a small suburban garden, not far from the major city of Melbourne.
I love birds and over the years have had many varieties visit. I am going to try and attract a few more!

The weather is starting to get a little cooler now and while there are still lots of natural bird feed still around, I thought it was time to hang up the wild bird seed.

Normally I hang the wild-bird seed ring in a tree, but this time I thought it could hang from a post near our new deck area. That way I could sit and watch any visiting birds from the dining room table... what joy!

My husband installing the hanging bracket.

The first visitor was the dove.

And then the Rainbow Lorikeets came....welcome!

They are really enjoying this!

Have a great day... got to dash and get my day going.
If I stay here much longer the morning will have disappeared!


  1. I'd have a few spare seed rings up your sleeve; the rainbows will be back!! Lovely pics; enjoy your birds Jenni

  2. These birds are gorgeous! I would definitely invite them to my yard if they were native here.

  3. Jenni,
    We have lots of Doves here, but none of our wild birds are as beautifully colored at the Rainbow Lorikeets. Enjoy all of the beautiful birds at your feeder.

  4. You are so lucky to have those colorful exotic birds in your backyard.

  5. How wonderful to have your deck and be able to enjoy bird visits for many, many years!! And WOW! What fantastic photos!!

  6. Oh my goodness! Such beautiful birds! You are so lucky to live with such beautifully colored birds. Probably the most colorful birds we have here are blue jays and red cardinals. So jealous!

  7. The colors in those Loriketts are amazing! They must be so much fun to watch. I know I get excited when I see a Bluebird or and Oriole in my backyard but they are nothing like those birds...WOW!

  8. Love the Rainbow Lorikeets - beautiful pictures.


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