
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bead Table Wednesday - a new work table

Hello dear readers,

Today is BTW- but alas, I have no beads to show.
I do, however have a new beading area taking shape, so thought I would show you this instead.

I bought this little desk/table from Provincial Home Living which serves  quite well as a (small) beading area I think. It has those nice little cubby holes which I have filled with dark grey, fabric covered boxes from Kiki K.

I am TOTALLY loving the colour grey at the moment, and have started using it quite a bit in my home...never thought I would see the day when I like a neutral colour so much!!

I have had the old printers tray for ages and want to eventually display beads in it...I do have a growing collection of gorgeous lamp work beads collected over time ( those made by masters...not me..LOL) however the difficulty lays in how to make them secure...I don't really want to hammer in nails...some of the old wood is a little fragile.

It is still a work in progress...more organisation is required, but so far I am quite happy with how it is coming along.

Please click on the link on my blog side bar to take you to all the fun and photos at BTW.

Hope you are all enjoying your day,



Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Texture Tuesday - the Orange Edition

Hello dear readers,

Tuseday is the day I have previously been participating in "Texture Tuesday" organised and hosted by Kim Klassen

It has been about 6 weeks or more since I have participated...and had to give a bit of a think when I was applying the kk love inlayers texture to my sweet little daffodil photo.... the old brain forgets easily these days!!

As you can see the only part which is actually orange is the centre...of course the rest is a sunny, clear daffodil colour.

This photo has x2 layers of kk love in layers texture added to it.

Here is another photo I found amongst my photo stash...this is really a better orange colour!

Home grown orange chillies. (not mine!)

Please head on over to  Kim's site to check out all the other orange inspired photos.



Monday, August 29, 2011

Soup I Sent (to Jennifer Jangles)

Hello dear readers,

Well, I know Jennifer at Jennifer Jangles has received the beads I sent her, so now I can pop in a few pictures of my own to show you too. I tend to like more earthy type is a focal and some smaller "side" focals. They are all lamp work beads. I will be very interested to see what Jennifer adds to this mix to make them more "her own"...and to brighten up the mix a little!!

The dark one is not quite so dark in real life!.

Focals, ivory (glass) spacers, bali silver rounds, silver clasp ( the second I have ever made!) and some gorgeous minty green enamel beads made by my friend Georgie, and some of my favourite smokey quartz (an Australian resourced stone).

I also include some more brightly coloured lamp work I know Jen is a lover of all things colourful.!
Now I am waiting for the postie to bring mine  ( goodness will you hurry up already!! I am itching to get started!)

Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend,



Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bracelet Giveaway

Hello dear readers,

Well today is Sunday and I should be doing I Heart Macro...but have been very caught up today putting books back in my family room bookshelves.
The house is slowly coming back together again...the renovation almost complete....just a few things in the kitchen and deck area to complete it...then the task of blinds , possibly new rugs and a will get done eventually......!

So today I am posting about a lovely giveaway on Therese's Treasures blog. She is celebrating reaching the milestone of having 50 lovely followers to her blog and is giving away this gorgeous Spiral Rope bracelet in very pretty blue colours.

Go to her blog and have a look...

Hope you have all had a wonderful weekend, no matter what you have been doing....and for those near hurricane Irene, I sincerely wish it has not been too bad for you.



Sunday, August 21, 2011

I Heart Macro - Birch Bark

Hello dear readers,

It has been a glorious day here in Melbourne...the sun has been shining, and there is a definite feel of Spring in the air.
I went to the local hardware for a few things this morning and the car park was full...the good weather had brought people out all wanting to start working on their homes and outdoor projects on such a lovely day.

If you have been reading my blog you will know I have signed up for my second Bead Soup Blog Hop organised by Lori.
This year there are over 360 people involved!

One of the lovely aspects of joining in to an event like this, is that you 'meet' people all over the world and come across some wonderful blogs and unique ideas.

One blog I have come across  just recently is birchbarkbeads blog. Mary makes unique one of a kind beads using bark from the Silver Birch tree.

Seeing her beads made me take a closer look at my own Silver Birch tree in my garden. ( LOL no.....not to even THINK about making beads.....just to give it a little more appreciation!)

This is the Silver Birch in my garden

I love the gnarly, knotty bits, contrasted with the white bark.

My Silver Birch tree is the largest tree in my back yard and I absolutely love it, It is about 24 years old.
The last two Summers have been particularly dry and we have had very strict water far I have managed to keep my tree going...many others around our area did succumb to the drought.... they really are not a tree that dislikes lack of water!

Here are some of Mary's beads.

Beads made by Mary at Birchbark beads

More lovely beads...I love their variations of colour.

You can find them on her etsy store.

( I tried to buy some...but I think our quarantine laws don't allow for shipping to Australia...Sob!)

This post really IS about I Heart Macro, so if you want to join in the fun, click on the I Heart Macro logo to take you to our host Lori and her site at Studio Waterstone.

studio waterstone



Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bead Teaser - Bead Soup Blog Hop.

Hello dear readers,

As promised, here is a "teaser" photo of the beads and components I sent to my Bead Soup partner, Jennifer Jangles.

Hope you like them Jen... I know they are a bit different from your usual style, but hey, that's what this Bead Soup is all about really...doing something a little differently.

Can't wait for my soup to arrive...postie where are you!


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Introducing my Bead Soup Blog Party partner.

Hello dear readers,

I recently signed up for my second Bead Soup Blog Party hosted by the lovely and amazing Lori Anderson.
To say I am excited is an understatement...this time around there are over 360 participants from all over the world.
My partner is Jennifer Heynen, aka Jennifer Jangles. Jennifer is an amazing professional ceramic artist who specialises in brightly coloured ceramic beads and jewellery. She also has a fabric line. A very successful artist.. she has written a book, too. Check out her blog and studio is gorgeous.

Please click on the Bead Soup Blog Party logo on the left of my blog for more info.

Tomorrow I will give a sneak (blurred!) reveal of the beads I sent Jen and will then post the real photos of beads received and sent when we have both received our packages. Can't wait!

Until then,


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Renovation progress report.

Hello dear readers,

As promised here are a few photos of our kitchen/dining makeover.
As with all renovations, it has definitely not been stress free!
A temporary kitchen in the laundry, central heating inactive (it is Winter here in Australia) and things not quite working out as expected or imagined are all contributing factors to high stress levels!
However, the work is moving along steadily and that is a good thing.

Tomorrow the fridge will be moved in ( HELP!... my polished floors...please NO scratches!)  and the stone bench tops are due to be installed. The deck will be cleaned also...ready for sealing.
Let's hope it all goes smoothly.

New blackbutt steps between old and 'new' sections.

Kitchen island ( no stone top yet) and cupboards. (Sorry about the mess on top!)

New sliding doors replace kitchen windows and lead on to deck.

Lovely Blackbutt wooden floors

My little dog Pepper, slightly confused with all the changes happening in her world!

That's it for now folks....



Monday, August 1, 2011

Bead Exchange - VERY Belated post!

Hello dear readers,

This vast array of beads were sent to me from England from the lovely Rebecca  at Songbeads.
They were part of an earth-tones bead swap organised by Lori.

I am VERY late writing about these lovely beads that Rebecca so generously sent, and do apologise most profusely. I just love the colour combination .. how did Rebecca know that they are some of my favourite colours!!?

Here are some photos of  the wonderful package that arrived, wrapped in a gorgeous ribbon as well!
Please do take some time to check out Rebecca's jewellery....both on her blog and etsy..she is one talented little cookie!

Package with a gorgeous ribbon

Rebecca's card.

Floridity nest, ceramic bird, semi-precious stones

Clay tube from Gaea, ceramic rounds and heart, I think from Hodge Podge Arts, a U.K artist.

 Dark blue polymer flowers from Miss Ficklemedia, plus gorgeous ceramic and earthenware pieces.

Beautiful delicate filigree.

Thank you again, Rebecca.

And now to bed...
Goodnight all,
