
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Renovation progress report.

Hello dear readers,

As promised here are a few photos of our kitchen/dining makeover.
As with all renovations, it has definitely not been stress free!
A temporary kitchen in the laundry, central heating inactive (it is Winter here in Australia) and things not quite working out as expected or imagined are all contributing factors to high stress levels!
However, the work is moving along steadily and that is a good thing.

Tomorrow the fridge will be moved in ( HELP!... my polished floors...please NO scratches!)  and the stone bench tops are due to be installed. The deck will be cleaned also...ready for sealing.
Let's hope it all goes smoothly.

New blackbutt steps between old and 'new' sections.

Kitchen island ( no stone top yet) and cupboards. (Sorry about the mess on top!)

New sliding doors replace kitchen windows and lead on to deck.

Lovely Blackbutt wooden floors

My little dog Pepper, slightly confused with all the changes happening in her world!

That's it for now folks....




  1. Absolutely gorgeous floors! And I love your little pup!

  2. It looks wonderful!!!!!

    courtney of beads by breul

  3. Looks fantastic! I especially like the white kitchen...I can imagine the sun streaming in and making it the brightest and cheeriest room in the house! I also like the 'new sliding doors onto the deck idea'... what a wonderful and relaxing place its going to be. So sorry it has been so will be well worth all the hassle has when its finished for sure!!

  4. It will be so lovely when it is all done! I love your little pup. Makes me miss my own Schnauzer who was all black with floppy ears and a nubby tail. His name was Madison and he was my baby before babies!
    Enjoy the day!

  5. Oh Jenni it's fantastic!!! Just beautiful - it will all be worth it look at all the light coming in reflecting on those new floors! I love Pepper! Shnauzers have the cutest butts! lol

  6. Well, your renovations look fab.....but Pepper is stealing the show!!! Absolutely gorgeous :-)

  7. I love your blackbutt floors! Hopefully all is progressing well.


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