
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Introducing my Bead Soup Blog Party partner.

Hello dear readers,

I recently signed up for my second Bead Soup Blog Party hosted by the lovely and amazing Lori Anderson.
To say I am excited is an understatement...this time around there are over 360 participants from all over the world.
My partner is Jennifer Heynen, aka Jennifer Jangles. Jennifer is an amazing professional ceramic artist who specialises in brightly coloured ceramic beads and jewellery. She also has a fabric line. A very successful artist.. she has written a book, too. Check out her blog and studio is gorgeous.

Please click on the Bead Soup Blog Party logo on the left of my blog for more info.

Tomorrow I will give a sneak (blurred!) reveal of the beads I sent Jen and will then post the real photos of beads received and sent when we have both received our packages. Can't wait!

Until then,


1 comment:

  1. You got Jennifer Jangles as a partner!!?? How awesome is THAT!? I cannot wait to see what you get from her or what you send. I just love bead soup!


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni