
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bead Table Wednesday - a new work table

Hello dear readers,

Today is BTW- but alas, I have no beads to show.
I do, however have a new beading area taking shape, so thought I would show you this instead.

I bought this little desk/table from Provincial Home Living which serves  quite well as a (small) beading area I think. It has those nice little cubby holes which I have filled with dark grey, fabric covered boxes from Kiki K.

I am TOTALLY loving the colour grey at the moment, and have started using it quite a bit in my home...never thought I would see the day when I like a neutral colour so much!!

I have had the old printers tray for ages and want to eventually display beads in it...I do have a growing collection of gorgeous lamp work beads collected over time ( those made by masters...not me..LOL) however the difficulty lays in how to make them secure...I don't really want to hammer in nails...some of the old wood is a little fragile.

It is still a work in progress...more organisation is required, but so far I am quite happy with how it is coming along.

Please click on the link on my blog side bar to take you to all the fun and photos at BTW.

Hope you are all enjoying your day,




  1. That's a gorgeous beading area!! I love printer's trays - you lucky lady! I was wondering if it would be ok to join in BTW, but am not sure how to go about it? It sounds like fun, and I love looking at everyone's newest!

  2. Nice area Jenni, I love the little dress form I need to find one of those for myself. Printer's trays make nice displays.

  3. A nice working place you have.
    Greetings Daniela

  4. Loving your new work area! That printer's tray is awesome! I have a small one I bought as a teenager. It has tiny little ceramic pieces in it, some my grandmother made (owl, squirrel,etc.) I would love to have a large one, too! Will have to think about how to display safely your precious beads. I know you are going to love your new space!

  5. What a lovely place to work! It is wonderful to have a space just dedicated to your creative efforts. Enjoy!

  6. Thanks for the comments everyone....I appreciate them all and love hearing from off to buy a few more things from Kikki K!
    Then going to sit down and apply myself to the new space!

  7. Wow! Looks like a photo from an interior design magazine! Great space and I love your floors!!!

  8. Hi Kathy, thanks! The floors are old Baltic pine in the old part of the house (1880's) they are a gorgeous colour but it is a soft wood and they mark extremely easily...lots of pitting and scratches over the years!

  9. BEAUTIFUL!!! If you don't want to hang the beads there is something here called " Museum Putty" which is clear and you put under things you don't want to move. If the beads are big enough to see standing up you could put the putty underneath them. It's supposed to be totally removable and acid free so it shouldn't harm the wood or bead. ...or maybe sew them on to fabric covered squares that fit into the little boxes - love those trays I have one I need to dig out of the attic!

  10. Thanks Patty for all those very helpful ideas...think I might explore the putty option.

  11. That is a great work station. Thank you for linking it to Home Sweet Home!


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