
Sunday, August 21, 2011

I Heart Macro - Birch Bark

Hello dear readers,

It has been a glorious day here in Melbourne...the sun has been shining, and there is a definite feel of Spring in the air.
I went to the local hardware for a few things this morning and the car park was full...the good weather had brought people out all wanting to start working on their homes and outdoor projects on such a lovely day.

If you have been reading my blog you will know I have signed up for my second Bead Soup Blog Hop organised by Lori.
This year there are over 360 people involved!

One of the lovely aspects of joining in to an event like this, is that you 'meet' people all over the world and come across some wonderful blogs and unique ideas.

One blog I have come across  just recently is birchbarkbeads blog. Mary makes unique one of a kind beads using bark from the Silver Birch tree.

Seeing her beads made me take a closer look at my own Silver Birch tree in my garden. ( LOL no.....not to even THINK about making beads.....just to give it a little more appreciation!)

This is the Silver Birch in my garden

I love the gnarly, knotty bits, contrasted with the white bark.

My Silver Birch tree is the largest tree in my back yard and I absolutely love it, It is about 24 years old.
The last two Summers have been particularly dry and we have had very strict water far I have managed to keep my tree going...many others around our area did succumb to the drought.... they really are not a tree that dislikes lack of water!

Here are some of Mary's beads.

Beads made by Mary at Birchbark beads

More lovely beads...I love their variations of colour.

You can find them on her etsy store.

( I tried to buy some...but I think our quarantine laws don't allow for shipping to Australia...Sob!)

This post really IS about I Heart Macro, so if you want to join in the fun, click on the I Heart Macro logo to take you to our host Lori and her site at Studio Waterstone.

studio waterstone




  1. The texture and colour of your silver birch is amazing. I love the pink camellia I saw on an earlier post too, quite unusual and very delicate.

  2. Great pictures! I like the gnarled texture of the tree too. The contrast is great and the up close picture almost looks like a pencil drawing.

    Have a great day!

  3. We had a gorgeous birch when we moved to this house but it was rotten in the middle and had to come down : ( - never even thought you could make beads from it! Beautiful shots!

  4. what a beautiful tree, love the knots.....and those beads are something

  5. Oh my goodenss! I love the textures you captured of your tree! Thanks for sharing pics of her beads too. I am going to have to head over there and check it out!

  6. That black and white thumbnail is so eyecatching. And the larger picture doesn't disappoint. Looks more like a woodcut than a photograph. No wonder you love that tree.

  7. I've seen many things made from birch bark -- it's a pretty common material in traditional Swedish and Sami crafts -- but this must be the first time I've ever seen birch bark beads!

    Too bad if they can't be shipped to Australia. Do you know if it is so or was it that you couldn't order any because she's only lists US and Canada in the 'ship to' info?

    Very nice photos of the silver birch tree too. Birches are such lovely trees with that characteristic stem and delicate leaves. And when it turns green, you know summer is near -- and so is the last day of school (birch is often used as adornment at graduation and ceremonies on the last day of school in June).

  8. Birch is indeed a lovely tree! I love the colors and textures in your photos. And thanks for the heads up on the shop :) Very cool!

  9. Wow, these are so unusual Jenni, I have truly never seen anything quite like these before!

  10. Great pictures! Love the texture on the tree. Those beads are pretty cool too!

  11. Thanks Jenni, that was such a nice and unexpected post!!

    I'm not sure why my beads can't be sent to Australia, probably because I don't have any shipping listed and I'll look into it very soon!

    The pictures of your birch tree are amazing! I hope it makes it another 24 years!


  12. Hi Jenni, For some reason I can't open the comment window on your first post. Wonderful Bead Soup, Can't wait to see what you get too! I love those lampwork beads and they are so delicious with the mix you gave her especially the enamle beads. Love those! The Bark is gorgeous as are your photos. I miss seeing birch trees, I grew up around them in Massachusetts but they are not any here in the desert. Beautiful textures. Thanks for stopping by today and commenting on my ABS entry!


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni