
Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Floral Glass Bead Making Class

Hello dear friends,

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I  have just recently participated in another wonderful glass bead making class with Corina Tettinger, an internationally acclaimed bead artist and teacher from America.

Corina has been in Australia these last 6 weeks travelling and teaching at studios around the country.
She is on the last leg of her Australian sojourn, teaching students at the  great new glass, bead making studio in Hurstbridge, Victoria, owned by Jacqui Campbell.

This time the class was the Floral bead making class, which was taught over a 3 day period.
This was a technique - laden class, beginning with simple sculptural beads built on a small spacer-bead, and culminating in learning how to make gorgeous encased stamens -  complete with striped cane on the outside, and learning how to apply them in combination with dainty buds and petals, to the outside of a bead.

I think it is probably better to show you some of the work, rather than continue to try and explain-

Student floral buds keeping warm on the hot plate.

Jane's pretty colored petals and buds.

Student petals and encased floral stamens sitting on the hotplate.

Corina's sample bead with encased stamen flowers, buds and very pretty petals.

Corina's selection of  sample floral beads covered in the class.

To anyone thinking of taking a glass bead making class from Corina, I say go for it!! She is a generous teacher, and as you can see from the beads above, she teaches a vast array of techniques, all of which could be applied to almost any flower style you wish to interpret.

Aren't they just fabulous!

We all had so much fun and took home many techniques to practice and refine.

Until next time,



  1. Hey Jenni, they are fantastic pics you have taken of Corina's beads, how funny to see some of my bits in your blog, it was such a fabulous class, it went way to fast, I hope she comes back with some new classes soon
    Cheers Jane

  2. OMG!!! GORGEOUS!!! I am in awe - I cannot imagine making something so pretty - looks like a fantastic class!

    Happy Sunday Jenni and thanks for the sweet comment - Little Mr Augie is sitting in my lap! : )

  3. Hi Jenni, I'm now a follower. Have tried to do it in teh past but something went wrong between me and the keyboard. Cant wait to see some of the peices you will create. I'm sure as always they will be beutiful.

  4. Jane, hi thanks fo commenting, your petals were really pretty, loved the apricot/orange with the purple..we'll start saving for the next one...!

  5. Patty, thanks for dropping by,, can just see Augie right now on your lap.

  6. Kelly, oh thanks so much for following and your kind comment.


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni