
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Texture Tuesday, 3rd of May

Hello dear friends,

Today is Tuesday, and that means "Texture Tuesday" to me.

For my readers who do not know what this is, I will attempt to explain. Texture Tuesday was started by Kim Klassen, an artist who paints background textures which can be used as a layer in photoshop, to alter the look of a photographic image.

In this altered photo below, I have used two of Kim's painted textured backgrounds in combination with a photo of my own. Our challenge this week was to take a photo of a coffee or tea cup.

I have used the textures called Luminous, with a blending mode of Soft Light and an opacity of 40%.
The second texture is Serendipity with an Overlay blending mode at 40% also.

"I had some dreams there were clouds in my coffee...."

I certainly love my cups of coffee. My family will attest to this!

I will be enjoying a few more cups in a far more leisurely style as from today, as today was the first official day of my RETIREMENT!

Yes, I can't quite believe it!
I have worked consistently since I was 17 years old, far too many years to count, or to tell...

Now is my time to embrace a new direction, to learn new skills, to make beads, to travel, to finish projects in the house, spend more time with my husband and family and to just "take the time to smell the roses"..... or to have that second cup of coffee with a friend.

I am excited and looking forward to this new and different time of my life. One that hopefully, is full of fun and lots of challenges, too.

I read a funny quote just recently.... "Retirement is one big coffee break" - anonymous.

Well, I guess that could be taken in a few different ways...

If you wish to see more texturised photos, click on the  Texture Tuesday logo on my blog side bar to take you to view more participant's photos. (they are posted from Tuesday through to Sunday)



  1. Jenni
    CONGRATULATIONS on your retirement!!!! Yippeeeeeee!!! What BIG news. And what an achievement. You must feel so incredible - like a great big blank slate is before you, ready to fill with wonderful things (and I love that retirement quote you shared!). I'm happy for you, and I look forward to seeing all of the adventures your retirement will surely bring.

  2. Sweet Cindy, Thank you very much for your nice comment, it made me feel even more excited about the future and what fun times are ahead... I am already working on new things...!

  3. I love the pop of yellow next to a lovely coffee cup. Great job! Congratulations on retirement!

  4. Camelia, thank you so much for your comment and dropping in.
    I have been looking at your lovely photos, wonderful travel shots.

  5. lovely cup and photo. Wish you a wonderful retirement!

  6. Your image really caught my eye, love it. Congratulations on your retirement, woooo hooooo!

  7. So pretty and cheerful, just like your retirement will be! Happy Retirement!

  8. Beautiful texture work - lovely soft color!

  9. it looks good. The textures made the cup look a little bit weared. It is very suitable here. :)

  10. You're retired? I thought the person behind this blog is 18 years old!

    I love the touch of yellow flower at the side...

  11. A lovely image for Texture Tuesday.

    Enjoy your retirement! By the way, my maiden name was Connolly :)

  12. Just woke up and checked blog, as you do !
    Thankyou Kathryn, Sandra, Linda,Nature footsteps,, mirage and Aggie for stopping by and commenting. All comments sincerely appreciated.

  13. I love the subtle, barely-there hint of texture on this one. Great edit.

  14. Lovely, lovely photo. I was admiring it earlier today on Kim's site!

    Congratulations on your retirement!


  15. Thanks Buckeroomama for your comment. Love your photos.

  16. Andrea, thanks for your sweet comment. I am loving your blog, I am glad I found you, your stories about rural life in Ontario are wonderful

  17. Congratulations on your retirement! Enjoy your long cups of coffee! Love the photo. Interesting that she paints the textures...

  18. Marian, thanks for dropping by. I am certainly going to enjoy retirement,I have a long list of things I want to try and do. Learning photoshop is one of them and I am starting with Kim's textures and also her essentials course.It's fun.

  19. Congratulations on your retirement. Looking forward to hearing about all the time you will have to do all the things you wanted to do... Enjoy!

  20. Hi Regina, life is getting pretty busy already. Now how did I fit work in again...!
    LOL, isn't that what they say when you don't work you are busier than ever!?


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni