
Sunday, January 13, 2013

I Heart macro

Hello again,

I love pomegranate juice. We drank a lot of it when we visited Turkey a few years back. The fruit in Turkey were massive.. the size of grapefruits.

To open a pomegranate, score it through the centre and twist to open it. Turn it upside down and hit it with a wooden spoon and hopefully, the fruit will drop out.
The juice and seeds of the fruit are said to be a high source of vitamin C and a powerful anti-oxidant.
Some say one of the benefits is reduction of high blood pressure. 

Pomegranate seeds and shell.

Today I am linking up to I Heart Macro. Head on over and join us.... for a look at close up and macro photography.

Until next time,


  1. Do you eat the seeds as well? or spit them out?

  2. Shoot! I should have bought the pomegranate juice I had in my hand yesterday at the health food store. But with no immediate plan in mind for it, I put it back. How you described opening it and getting the seeds out is exactly how Dr. Furhman did it on Dr. Oz! I'm going to get one at the grocery store today.

  3. I love the color of the pomegranate...Have a good start!

  4. I've never had one before! It makes a great macro shot!

  5. It's been sometimes since I had the fresh pomegranate. I'm going to get some today!

  6. I have to say it is one of the few fruits that I am not that keen on the taste of, beautiful red colour in your image though


  7. hi jenni!
    oooooo, how i love the pomegranate ~ the colour, shape, skin and the juicy seeds ~ they are so artful all in themselves : )
    we bought ourselves a juicer and have been experimenting juicing just about anything that can be juiced ~ fun and tasty!
    thank you so much for your lovely comments ... xxo
    have a great week!

  8. you've really captured the vibrance of the color beautifully!

  9. Oh, I like poms too. I had no idea they could be that easy to de-seed. All the other instructions I've seen were fairly complicated. Thanks for the simplified version!

  10. LOVE pomegranites they are seasonal here so you have to grab them when they are out ours too are gigantic!


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