
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Focusing on Life - week 3 - relaxing time

Hello friends,

Books have always been a joy in my life. I was raised in a family of readers and writers. Reading will always be a way for me to relax and spend a bit of time to myself..  there is not a day that goes by without me spending some time with a book ( or e-book often ) these days.

A lot of the books I read these days have to do with jewellery making/silversmithing/ as that is my passion. This book is an exception... it is more for the sheer joy of looking at Angie's wonderful designs and the mix of colors she uses so well together. It is just total inspiration to me.

Front cover

How beautiful is this! Colour and design is always a challenge for me........this book is just full of beauty!

Today I am linking up to the studio sublime where Sally is hosting Focusing on Life over this year. 

Until next time,


  1. You are so right...beautiful~! I will see about getting myself a copy too!

  2. Jenni, the book looks gorgeous. I will have to have a look at it too...your other posts looks like a fun me time day too!

  3. That is a gorgeous book. It would be awesome to get lost in the pages for a while!

  4. I love books too and get lost in my sewing books and magazines. Reading seems to be a favorite way to take time for a lot of people.

  5. I love the artwork. Enjoyable for sure.

  6. i adore this book! it's one of the only two books i've ever pre-ordered (the second being mark hearld's workbook). it's a great way to enjoy angie's work, isn't it?
    have a wonderful week!
    [no 13 this week]

  7. What a wonderful way to submerge yourself in beauty1

  8. That book has the most amazing colors!!

    (I'm #40 this week)

  9. Wow - love the book - amazing colors and images!

  10. Reading is my favorite way to take time for myself, too. Gorgeous drawings!

  11. I am a book lover too and I find that a book awaiting me is like a reward for a job well done. I'll say to myself " when I get done with all of this I'm going to sit down and enjoy that book" and sometimes it's so hard to stay on task when a new package from Amazon arrives and I can't get to it right away!

  12. I find this too I used to get books about a lot of different things - I need more variety in my life! lol

  13. Books - I love them especially with beautiful pictures like these. I have books in every room or else bead magazines. It looks like you found the perfect Me Time activity.

  14. I so wish I could draw! I can't even doodle correctly! These are so cheerful! After reading many participant's responses - as to reading - I found that I am doing nearly as much of it as I'd like to - hoping to change that!

  15. I love reading books too. This book sounds lovely, and I'll bet you can get some inspiration for your jewerly. The photos are lovely!!!

  16. I love that cover! I am always looking for new books, but I rarely use the ones I have. I like that this was a totally unexpected surprise, not about jewelry at all, but more about color and design, which I am sure will influence your creative yearnings. Thanks for sharing! Enjoy the day. Erin

  17. Aren't books wonderful. A good book is a treat I give myself at the end of the day. Mostly these days I read something jewelry related. The book you read looks very interesting.

  18. Reading of some form seems to be a favorite activity for a lot of us. That mix of colors really is beautiful. Thanks for sharing your time with us.


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