
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Focus on Life - week 2: my word.

Hello friends,

Why did I choose my word ?

Learning new techniques and skills has been wonderful. It's practise that will show me my voice.
I don't want to be a mirror image of someone else's style.. even though I may love that style so much I feel it could be "me".

Is it really even possible to be "original" and "authentic" these days... sometimes I wonder.
But art and the way you want to express yourself has to be limitless... Right? Right!

I know I will 'find' a 'style" that belongs to me soon. It's like that feeling where the word is on the tip of your tongue... you know you know it... it does come ... eventually... but not always straight away. But you feel  confident that it will come.. and it does... and it will! Of that I am very sure.

Today, is week two of Focusing on Life hosted by Sally at  The Studio Sublime. Our challenge this week was our chosen word for the year. I chose authenticity.

Old bakelite box and boot buttons... old originals!!

Hope you are having a wonderful day,


  1. Authenticity - a beautiful guiding word for 2013! I absolutely hard as it may seem to stand out in a crowd of many jewelry designers, we need to seek our own personal style...and it does seem to emerge over time when we are true to our personal strengths.

    1. Thank you Cindy, you seem a very wise soul to me.. not to mention a wonderful artist. These words we choose can all be such positive affirmations for this year"..........thank you,

  2. I just love your photo to picture authentic, which is a richly powerful word!
    May it guide all you do in 2013...
    I'm no. 21 on the list btw :)

    1. Claire, thank you so much for your comment and dropping by. These words we have all chosen hold so much for us in the year ahead.I can't wait for the fun to begin!

  3. Such a powerful word! We should all be authentic, in all aspects of life. I look forward to following your journey. This will be a great year.

  4. thanks for your comment, jenni, i don't really know how long it took, but certainly over 1/2 hour :)

  5. great word and one that is important to all of us as designers

  6. I hope you stick to your ethics, the only thing that will elevate your work is to speak though your true and authentic voice. Copying will never be art.

  7. Your word and picture to illustrate it are great. It will guide you well. I do believe that the more one makes the closer one gets to who they are. It is all those difficult moments in between when we are trying to create that bring forth the leaps forward, I think.

    1. That makes a lot of sense Mary. Now to immerse myself as much as posible, thank you.

  8. What a great word and a gorgeous photo! And really, there is only one YOU in the world, and you must be true to yourself.

  9. That is a gorgeous photo. I love your word. It's something we all need to remember in our lives.

  10. Interesting choice for your illustration of authenticity. Love the pale colors. We should all strive for authenticity!

  11. It's tough to find our own style and I certainly don't have one yet. We are all inspired by everyone around us. Even if it's only in a small way, our own voice does come through. And what a neat way to represent your word. That's a gorgeous box.

  12. Superb! Love the shot and how it depicts your word. It's challenging finding our own voice in a sea of so many, but even with similarities, authenticity will emerge.

  13. The comments left before mine say it all. Whenever I sit down to "create", I constantly ask myself "why are you doing's already been death?!" Authenticity - make it your own. Love your pic and I especially love your Word!

  14. Such a powerful word Jenni and I think we all struggle with this too. Love your photo of the box and boot buttons.

  15. Hi Jenni,
    You will find your Authenticity and you will shine!

  16. What a wonderful photo to go with a wonderful word, authenticity. I love the way that word sounds! Your "own" style will come with time, as you learn and evolve!

  17. Finding and developing my own "style" is something I'm hoping to focus on this year. Love your photo, I've never seen the boot buttons before.

    1. Thank you Karen... We will be working on a similar journey this year! Thanks for stopping by.

  18. Jenni, I admire your desire to find your own style and be authentic. I hope this is a great year for you!

  19. I like this word. A lot. Being true to yourself, going deep into who you are and emerging on the other side will bring you that authenticity. I think your journey will be amazing. I wish you joy in the journey this year! Enjoy the day. Erin

  20. Oh I like it! Yes indeed. You did a great job expressing that sense in your photo, like I can see a "true" age here. It can be hard sometimes to feel like there is anything new under the sun. Part of it is just our biology - we are all designed to be drawn to the same things.

  21. Ha! I like your comment.... Biology... Hmmm.. Food for thought! Thanks for stopping by

  22. I love this word as it is something I was finding a need for this past year. It is hard not to get caught up and lost with all the wonderful things and ideas you can find on this wonderful computer, seeing what everyone esle is accomplishing, I needed to step back and disconnect for awhile to find my way again. Great word!

  23. Such a beautiful shot! Love those boxes and they suit your word perfectly!

  24. Hi Jenni, I've so enjoyed browsing through your blog. Authentic is a great word for the year. It's not something I've taken seriously in the past but this year I've chosen carefully and focused on it. A friend and I email each other to acknowledge our chosen words and how keeping it in mind actually impacts on our state of mind. My word is stillness and though life has been pretty chaotic since before Christmas I am now managing to find stillness in my day.


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni