
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Texture Tuesday - Autumn Burst

Hello again dear readers,

Well you know the's Tuesday and I am linking to Kim Klassen for Texture Tuesday.

Today I am off and running much to do...still finishing of the house renovation and have to look at furniture and decide on a table if we are to gets it by Christmas.  ( yep, Christmas! isn't that a scary thought!).

And of course, I want to work on my bead soup project...I have plenty of ideas if only a certain delivery would be made, I could get going!! ( not the item to go with it!)

And there are SO many projects and finishing off I have to do as a consequence of changing the house ...yes it does open a can of worms! But in a good way.

Studio apartment, Florence.

This is the delightful studio apartment we stayed at in Florence earlier on in the year.

I have added Kim's new texture, Autumn Burst and one layer of Crackerjack to the photo to make it look a little more rustic than it actually was.

I think it will be a while before it is my rest time!

Please join us at  Kim Klassen cafe  for all the fun....  Hope you are all having a wonderful Tuesday!



  1. Looks like a nice place to stay and a lovely capture and textures! Beautiful and restful!

  2. oh Florence we only had two days there in 2009 I loved Venezia the most. This is a great shot to use the textures on it's lovely

  3. wonderful image and I hope you manage to have a sit down in one of those chairs later :)

  4. Looks like a good place to take a break. Lovely work with the texture.

  5. I'd love to rest there with a good book and a cold beverage. : )

    Lovely work Jenni!


  6. What a lovely image, and great use of the textures! Sometimes it's enough to look at the pictures to recapture some of that restful energy...

  7. Oh Florence, what a magnificent city. I love your photo. I hope you get your table by Christmas!

  8. Great picture Jenni, nice use of the textures to make it look rustic. I have never been to Italy, but I here it is nice there. I hope what you are waiting on get to you in time to make your piece for the BSBP!

  9. Oops! I meant I hear it is nice there. LOL

  10. What a lovely place, how wonderful to be able to spend time in Italy. Perfect shot for these textures.

  11. Yes, the textures give this a wonderful rustic feel!

  12. I would love to stay in that studio, it looks so charming. I bet you had a great time staying there. Beautiful use of texture, it makes studio looks even more charming.

  13. Jenni, this is a beautiful image and a perfect shot for the texture. Some day, I would love to go to Florence! Hugs, Terri

  14. Thanks everyone for your kind comments.

  15. Oh, I love this! It feels so earthy and charming.

  16. Thank you, everyone for dropping by, I appreciate your comments and visit so much.

  17. A studio apartment in Florence- that must have been amazing! The texture does make it look rustic and romantic.


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