
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Btw - working with wire

Hello dear readers,

It is Wednesday... so I do try and post what is on my bead table and join in the fun of btw (Bead Table Wednesday)... provided I am actually working on something!

Well, as it turns out, this week I am endeavouring to improve my fairly rudimentary wire working skills. Teaching myself from books  ( and an instructional DVD in one of the books) means my progress is a little slower than if I were shown in a class.... but at least I can work on it at my own leisure and time frame.
It is a slow process...I am all thumbs at times and  definitely have a long way to go!

Practising with copper wire and gorgeous coloured Para wire helps to keep the cost down.

I love the coloured coils: this purple one is in fine 26 gauge wire.

Here are the wire working books I have been learning from:
1. Bead on a Wire - Sharilyn Miller 
2. Wire Style 2 by Denise Peck (comes with a DVD)          
3.Totally Twisted by Kerry Bogert

They are all totally fantastic books and I would  recommend them all for their ease of explanations and great projects.

Please click on the btw logo on my blog side bar to take you to more btw fun.

Cheers for now,


  1. You're doing great, really impressive! By the way, can't wait to see what you make with your bead soup!
    Deb x

  2. wow you are clever, I love what you have done here and these are great photographs!

  3. Hi Jenni! have you seen "Handcrafted Wire Findings" by Denise Peck? A friend of mine had it, so I got to browse, and there are a ton of great ideas in there! I need to get a copy! Your work really looks great!

  4. Thanks guys for popping by and leaving a comment. Erin, thank you for the book suggestion...I am waiting for some to arrive ( they take Forever!) to come, it seems. Of course, the beast way to improve is just to do the basics over and over..I am trying to do a little each day.

  5. Jenni I too need to work with the wire skills you are doing! Ive got Twisted the book too and need to sit down with it!

  6. Hello Jenni! Love your Texture Tuesday below, you did fabulous on it and Love your jewelry making skills! Oh can't forget your sweet and beloved bear post, he's so cute and looks so loved!

  7. Jenni, your wirework looks fantastic! And your bead table looks a lot like mine (actually mine is the floor right now)...spools of copper wire, wire links, and tools! :-) Your photos are amazing as always.

  8. I love the clasp!!! I have been playing too ( and getting a bit frustrated with myself) Dying to get my hands on a Wire Style. Lovely goodies you've made : D


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni