
Sunday, September 11, 2011

I Heart Macro - 'favourites' around my home.

Hello dear readers,

Torrential rain and and hail kept me inside for most of yesterday and today I went to visit my Dad who is in, for I Heart Macro,  I took a few 'snaps' around the house...I am sure  you understand if they are not quite up to scratch!

This is one of three light  pendants we have suspended over our kitchen bench. They are an amber -  coloured glass, which tends to be slightly greenish when lit up at night. These pendants were purchased in Italy and sent by post back to us here in Australia. I was worried they would break...but they arrived safe and sound, thankfully.

The round-shaped pieces you see in the shade of the glass are called murrini...these are pieces of glass, snipped from a rod of glass. The rod of glass was prepared first and then the small pieces are cut from it. The main hot glass gather is then rolled across the murrini to embed them in the glass.

There are multiple colours in the murrini...many shades of blue and aqua plus dashes of red and brown. As you know, I totally love glass, so it was very exciting for me to be able to buy something so different for our home...a wonderful memento of our trip.
I just love them..( they were an electrician's nightmare though.....!)

Here is something else in our home that I love...
This is one of many old baskets I have collected over the years, love the 'lock' on this one.

Another favourite around the house ( if not THE favourite) little dog" Pepper"
She is a salt and pepper Schnauzer...she is almost 11 years old and quite the lady of the house...totally spoilt! She nearly died a few years ago when she was diagnosed with Lupus. "As rare as hen's teeth!" in dogs said my vet, who couldn't contain his excitement after diagnosing her!!
A cortisone tablet every second day has kept her stable... a  very small price to pay for keeping her in our lives a bit longer!

Today, I am linking up with Lori and friends at I heart Macro.
Please click on the link below to join in the fun.

studio waterstone

Cheers for now,


  1. Gorgeous, all three! have a happy Sunday.

  2. Hi Jenni The link is at the bottom of the pictures for some reason this week. Love your photos, btw!

  3. Hi Jenni, I love your pendant light. I would just sit and look at it, if it were mine, beautiful. The texture on the clasp on the basket is very cool love it. Your Peper is a little cutie.

  4. Cool pendant, but Pepper!?!?! LOVE her!!!

  5. That basket with lock is super cool! But Pepper, she's love, there's not a doubt of that :)

  6. WOW these are so cool! I love the texture and lock on the basket! You pup is soooo CUTE!

  7. Love the looks of that glass. So so pretty!! Cute pup too. Nice shot of your basket.

  8. Thank you everyone who commented..I love Macro Sunday....I am visiting you all as well.

  9. Great pics but Pepper is my favorite... she looks so regal! The lady of the house for sure!

  10. You get some great photos even when staying at home.... Your Pepper is sure beautiful! I hope your Dad is out of the hospital now and doing well.

  11. These are wonderful shots Jenni, and I am sooooo loving Pepper!!


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