
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Texture Tuesday, 26th April

Hello dear readers,

I thought I would attempt another lovely texture over one of my flower photos. This texture, 'Serendipity' was provided by the talented Kim Klassen. I wanted to change the original camellia photo into one that looked like a flower within a water color painting. I think I managed to achieve a little of this effect.

The photo was changed by adding ---  2 layers of texture 'serendipity.'
                                                       ---  the 'multiply' blending mode was used on both layers.
                                                       ---  Layer 1 had 100% opacity.        
                                                       ---  Layer two had 20% opacity.

Camellia photo with Kim Klassen's 'Serendipity' texture.

What do you think? 

A certain family member, who shall remain nameless, says it looks like the flower has gone "rotten!"
Yes, I do know camellias can go a little brown on the edges if their petals are handled when picked and I think that was what was meant!  Maybe it needed an additional texture layer, particularly in the upper left to soften the leaves....? 

Anyway, this is a fun process. It is only my second attempt at it, so there is still much to be learnt!

There is a Texture party and giveaway as well....

Please click on the "Texture Tuesday" photo link on the side of my blog to take you to Kim's site and also to see other participants' photos with textures, enjoy......



  1. I see the watercolor effect on the petals. I also see what you are saying about the leaf in the upper left hand corner. The stamens are also so perfect that it would be hard to do in watercolors like that. Can you choose the color of the texturing? To make shadows when painting with watercolors I use a blue which might make a difference. I don't think it looks "rotten"! It looks interesting! I like it... it is soft and soothing!

  2. Thanks Marian for the constructive helpful ideas and comments. As I am just beginning to learn about this, I am a little unsure how far to take it. I think I really did need another layer of a different texture. I am also SO slow at it, it is kind of hard to stop and start again, but I think I WILL try it again and add something more. Thanks,

  3. I kind of like it, looks very artsy. The upper left corner is a bit too dark for my taste, on my screen anyway ;-) But remember, it's all a matter of taste !

  4. Yes, I agree Brigitte. Going to work on it a bit more I have decided.

  5. I like that is is darker on the left. Very moody.

  6. I just like it, it looks very romantic to me.
    Greets Daniela

  7. I love this -- just as it is. The colors are absolutely perfect, and there is an overall dreamy quality about it that is really wonderful. Beautiful work!

  8. Kathleen, thankyou so much for your comment.

  9. It's beautiful...looks like a painting!

  10. really BEAUTIFUL work!! and such a lovely blog - so glad I found you!!

  11. Thankyou Leah, Linda and stampmouse for your very kind comments.

  12. Artistically delightful.

  13. Karla and Mandy, Thankyou for visiting and your kind comments.


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