
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday Macro

Hello dear readers,

Sunday is Macro day for me, or technically 'close-up' day, as although my little point and shoot has a macro setting, for the purists out there , it really is not true macro.
However,  for this exercise it is more than adequate! I love my macro setting!

This wonderful idea was started by Lori at Studio Waterstone.
Click on the 'I heart Macro' photo link on the  left side of my blog to take you there and see what all the other lovely participants have managed to find with their macro settings/lenses.


Half gone!

Little ribbed beads.

Hope you have all had an enjoyable Easter with family and friends.



  1. Wow! You are getting some amazing pictures out of your camera! I love the macro photos! Hope you have a Happy Easter too!

  2. Hi Marian, thanks for stopping by. Macro is fun, I have started being a little more observant of the world around me, thinking what could potentially provide an interesting photo.

  3. Oh gosh, I love those ribbed beads!

    And you asked me what Peeps are -- they're marshmallows covered in colored sugar!

  4. Fun macros!! I need to start doing Macro Sunday, that's inspiring :) Glad you enjoyed your class with Corina - she's amazing, I've learned so much from her classes.

  5. Hi Pam, thanks for dropping by. Yes, join in ,it's fun. Amazing how you start looking for good things to photograph in a ' macro' kind of way.


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