
Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Hello my friends,

There is no time like the beginning of a year to make changes... this will be the first of many! All for the good, of course.

Please bear with me as I continue to make these blog changes... I am still not done yet.. and of course I may even change the changes... that's a woman's prerogative you know!

I am trying to streamline the look, and de-clutter.... starting with the blog and then moving on to the studio, house, cupboards, wardrobe, body... yes the list is endless really!

So, tell me, are any of you guys in to blog re-organisation?! I need to make a new header. I remember making the first and only!)  one and it was pretty stressful, quite truthfully. I have now moved the width of the blog... hmm that was probably not wise.. now I do not know how wide to make it! Ok.. it's a challenge I shall have to rise to.

I love the look of  blog titles with no frames at all.. However I am pretty sure that would be hard and require the use of photoshop, etc. Anyone got a quick fix for this!?

Oh well, onward and upward as they say.. got to start this new year off POSITIVELY!

Clutter to some, collection to others. Beautiful all the same. From Brabourne farm

Thanks for being understanding,


  1. how beautiful the image you posted, and good luck with your new blog recreation ...

    1. Thanks Carole... The colors really caught my eye.

  2. It is always good to change things up sometimes especially in the new year. Love the new look. I use Gimp to change the blog header. It is a free download and I know I have a YouTube video at home and I can send it to you if like. Have fun with the makeovers!

    1. Thanks Beth... I am getting close to working it out, however it is a lesson in frustration so far!

  3. I wish I could help with the blog header. I actually need to work on my own while I'm thinking about it! I have a software programmer for a husband and he tends to help me when I get stuck on what to do next in Photoshop. Of course, learning photoshop better is one of my own goals for the year. I can't wait to see what you come up with in the end! Sometimes I think my blog needs more maintenance then my house and I just keep putting it off. . .eek! Here's hoping we both meet that goal. :D

  4. Oh lucky you! It is such a slow process... Filled with a lot of muttering and frustration!! I will get it right... Eventually!

  5. I had to stop by and thank you for your comment on my blog. Such encouragement! I struggle with fixin' my blog too, it seems everytime I get it the way I want it, I forget what I did and have to go relearn all over again! Good luck and try googling some tutorials for creating blog headers.


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni