
Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Photo a week - the dreaded self- portrait!

Hello friends,

As you can see, I have managed to make a few blog changes.... it has not been without some ( quite a lot, truthfully!) groaning and muttering. However, it is done... for now!

This year, I have decided to work on improving my photography skills. I do own an SLR camera, but tend to just use my phone and point and shoot. cameras.

The real reason for not using the larger camera is not really transportation etc.... it's because I am not confident with it.... don't understand all the bells and whistles etc.

So, to force me out of my inertial, I have joined up to participate in a photo a week joining Sally at The Studio Sublime for" Focus on Life" - 52 photos.

The first challenge is a self-portrait... not an easy thing to do...

Like many women of my age, I am not a big fan of photos of myself... it's a shock to see the wrinkles and the age spots.... the greying hair.

Oh well... grin and bear it! That's life after all!

week 1 - self portrait.

Cheers for now,


  1. This is such a lovely photo, Jenni!
    I groaned and muttered too!

  2. I love this photo - it looks very natural and "unposed" - these are my favorite shots! I look forward to seeing your pictures each week!

  3. what a great start Jenni! You created a beautiful photograph and I understand the portraiture hesitance feeling. I love your photograph and also how you framed it. Was that your own template to work on, or maybe one available online? I felt it really complimented your photograph wonderfully.

  4. Wrinkles what are they... ? Lovely photo! I have an SLR camera too that usually is collecting dust! This should be a fun year!

  5. It's a great photo. I imagine you are looking down at beadwork of some sort. The vintage look (did I just describe a polarioid snapshot as vintage?) is a perfect touch.

  6. What a beautiful photo of you working!! I think all of us grumbled a bit about being the subject, but it is a great way to accept and love where we are now...I am thinking about getting a SLR and am hoping this year will be the year it happens...I laughed too that the Polaroid is now vintage...geez...time sure flies!!

  7. Jenni, the composition and the soft pops of color and tone of the photo, your self portrait is wonderful!!!

  8. A lovely photo and a beautiful woman. I love your relaxed pose, and the composition of the photo. Your red blouse, and the blue background make the photo pop.

  9. Love the shot and the Polaroid look!

  10. Well we were both on the same wavelength. Every shot I took showed me more than I knew or wanted to admit was there, what caught me off guard was the lines in my neck, when did they arrive?? Great shot and I love the polaroid look too ;)

  11. Jenni, we have earned every bit of spots ,wrinkles, knowledge. Just take that camera out and learn just as much by just doing! Very nice picture!

  12. You look wonderful. The wrinkles and gray hair are what make us beautiful. :) We have earned them.

  13. Jenni you look fabulous! I love how you are working away in the photo and the "polaroid" frame. I can't wait to see what you have for us next week!

  14. I think this is a very cool shot - and beautiful, too. love it! Love your edits as well.

  15. Grey hair, wrinkles....where??? No one told me....oh no where has the time gone...:-) (I am right there with you though my husband doesn't see them....)

  16. A lovely photo.

    Nicole from

  17. Hi Jeni, It is nice to see you!
    I do not see an older woman when I look at this photo. I see a beautiful and talented woman who has must to give and life to live.

  18. Oh I'm with Therese .. you do not look like an older woman ... but a beautiful, thoughtful beader! Lovely photo!

  19. Love the photo, great editing too. It's always a great shock when the "me" in our heads don't match the "me" in our photos.

    1. Thanks Karen, your comment is so true! I just do not think I am as old as I am!

  20. I love the natural shot of your self-portrait ... beautiful!

  21. Thank you everyone for your comments and your kindness... sincerely..

  22. It's so nice to see your face! And a lovely one at that. Very smart to get a photo of your working away at something.

    1. Thanks Cynthia.. Actually I was reading my camera manual!

  23. I think you should be confident with this camera as this is quite the beautiful shot!

  24. Talk about being in the same boat. . .I'm excited we're taking this journey together to learn our cameras and challenge ourselves. Fun stuff!
    Your picture is really fabulous. There's so much depth and thoughtfulness to it.

  25. Jenni, what a gorgeous self-portrait! It's soft and beautiful....just perfect :)

  26. Jenni I think you captured a beautiful self portrait!!!

  27. HA! We all came grunting and groaning and kicking and screaming! This is a lovely shot of you! Happy New Year! XOXO


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni