
Friday, June 8, 2012

Win a spot in "Boho Bliss"

Hello dear friends,

Well, those who read this little blog, know I am a fan of Deryn. I love her style... particularly all those gorgeous gems mingled with hand made copper and silver elements...

I have participated in a few of Deryn's on line workshops and found them truly valuable.They have been full of techniques and both easy to look at and understand. Deryn also answers any questions promptly and is involved from start to finish. She is a very caring teacher.

Chatting to other participants has been a great source of extra information and the camaraderie has been a wonderful plus.... as I live in Australia and can't attend in person, on-line classes are a wonderful option.. and one I am becoming quite fond of!
The videos are freely available and you can look at them any time of day or night.. in your pj's if you wish!

I am sure this current online course Deryn is offering will be more of the same.

This week, Deryn is offering 2 free places in her Boho Bliss on line class.
So, if you have never participated in an online course before and want to give it a try... head on over for your chance to win a spot... I know I am going to!

Just look at these beauties... photo from Deryn's blog

Cheers for now,

1 comment:

  1. Well, definitely gonna have to give that a try! Never did an online course before :)


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