
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Playing with Picmonkey - collage fun.

Hello dear friends,

I have spent a little time today playing around making a collage which is mostly made up from photos taken from my daily photo.... Project 2012/develop.

This is the first time I have used the editing program Picmonkey and I have to say "I love it!"
It is really easy to use... and has this wonderful collage making facility which I really like a lot. I will definitely be spending more time using Picmonkey. There are also great frames, textures and text, editing options and much more, to explore...

I  know I will be visiting often!

Hope you are enjoying your day, whatever you are doing,


  1. Thanks for the link...I will check it out! I'm really starting to move in the 'collage' direction in my art these days. It's like I feel this creative urge struggling to get up and moving :)

  2. Oh man... I could hardly tear myself away!!! This is going to be fantastic!!! Thank you!!

  3. Thanks for sharing, I'm going to try using Pic Monkey for my next collage.

    Lori D.

  4. Hi Jenni, Great creative collage! I am not familiar with the editing program. I will definitely have to check it out.


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