
Thursday, February 16, 2012

I Love Rain!

Hello friends,

The rain has finally come...drenching the garden, cooling the air, bringing the rumble, overflowing the gutters and sending the dog to hide in her bed.
I feel like I can breathe again....with my own internal heater, sultry weather is not my sits very heavily with me, zapping my energy and giving me headaches.

This feels like the tropics...but isn't!

I went out to the garden to take it all in....the house is still steamy and probably will be for another day or so. It was good to feel cool air on my face and hear the wonderful noise of the storm.

I certainly don't mind a few drops on my head or shirt...  the camellia will be loving this.....preparing herself  for Autumn.

The path is overflowing with miniature rivers of water.

And the ornamental grape is almost visibly growing after this satisfying drink!

Are you a rain lover like me?

See you soon,


  1. Those are gorgeous. I love the first one. As for rain, the kiddo and I have been known totake walks during a spring or summer rain.

  2. Jenni,
    A cool cleansing rain in the summer time is always a good thing. I love the photos


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