
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bead Table Wednesday - A New Love

Hello dear friends,

It has been quite a while since I have posted...either on btw or on my blog.
So, I am trying to make up for a little lost time today!

Over the last 6 weeks or so, I have been participating in an on-line course called Of Towers and Turrets, hosted by the pairing of two creative, wonderful teachers...Deryn Mentock and Sharon Tomlinson.
Before I go any further, I do wish to say that, if you ever get a chance to work with these ladies, grab it....they are both very giving, gifted women. They work well together, they are funny at times and very easy to both listen to and to understand on the videos.

In the Towers and Turrets course, Sharon helped us create art with painting and collaging...that was new to me....and a wonderful introduction in to the world of mixed media. Some of us had never painted before, others were very was not necessary to have had any prior experience to be able to join in.
I posted a few collage and painting photos on this previous blog post if you wish to take a look.

Deryn taught the metal working and resin component. She was always helpful in giving tips and potential ideas along the way. Both teachers were always available online and always offering encouragement and answering our many and varied questions! It was so great to have that participation.

I just loved the metal element of the course.. probably because I had previously dabbled with metals. Overall, the course has really taught me so much. I can't wait to introduce some of the new techniques into my future work.

One of the other extra benefits I must mention is the wonderful camaraderie between the participants. I just loved seeing their comments and ideas flowing, the many and varied approaches to the work taught and the  inspirational photos posted online. Goodness, it was fun! I now have 'friends' in places I had only ever heard of before. What a gift. Here are a few photos of other students work.

So...getting on to my bead table this Wednesday!

I need to put in a tube rivet for hanging this copper and brass, heart-shaped bezel that I made and then adhere the printed paper to the inside...little jobs for today.

Here are my finished bezels from the Of Towers and Turrets course. (Sorry this is not the clearest photo...must look at my camera looks a little 'grainy'.)  'DEVELOP" is my word for the year, so I chose to add that to the bezels in a few places. 
The progress of the towers at the rear of the photo can also be seen here.
The 3 smaller backless bezels were purchased, but the images are mine.....they also have images on the reverse.

I am so pleased with this bezel which I made. The resin looks awesome as it has domed so high.
The image could be more exciting...I'll improve on that next time! The little 'sparklie's are cubic zirconias....great to insert into resin as they have no holes that could potentially generate bubbles in the resin.

Well, that's your lot for today...

I am linking up to Bead Table Wednesday flickr group.

I hope you are all having a wonderful Wednesday,


  1. Cool bezels Jenni! Look fantastic. Now the choice is make fantastic necklaces or make more bezels. Hmmmmmmmm

  2. Thanks for popping by Greer... I think I will be making bezels while I am on a roll...I've got the bug to explore now!! ( I keep on looking at those cans of rust paint in Bunnings!!)) LOL

  3. YOur resin looks awesome.. So does your soldering! I tried some resin last week still tacky guess I will have to scrape it out and read the instructions before I try it again....!

  4. Sounds like a wonderful class! I too, am dabbling in the world of Mixed Media for the first time. What a great opportunity to learn from such talented artists!

  5. Great work. I love the collage.

  6. Oh they look fantastic Jenni! It's been great watching this project develop and grow through the various stages and I'm looking forward to seeing more.

  7. Absolutely love it, the materials and media mix, looks great.


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni