
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

Hello dear friends and readers,

Just a short note to wish you all a Merry Christmas, wherever you may be around the world.
I know the year is not quite over yet....but I just want to say how much I have enjoyed my first year of blogging and meeting such a lovely lot of people from both near and far ; it has been such fun.

I wish you all a happy holiday time with lots of fun, family and friends.
To my followers, both old and recent...thank you so much for dropping by and commenting on my has been a thrill and a privilege to get to know you.

I am holidaying myself at the moment in Sydney (Australia) posts may be a little far and few between....however I do want to show you some of this lovely, vibrant will be sharing a few photos...

Cheers for now,



  1. Hope you are having a lovely Christmas, Jenni!

  2. Have a wonderful Christmas and new year Jenni - here's to the next years chapter in our blogging journeys!

  3. Jenni, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Enjoy your holiday in Sidney.

  4. Merry Christmas, Jenni!!!

  5. look forward to more of your blogging in 2012 Jenni; best wishes back.

  6. Happy Christmas! Enjoy your Sydney adventure :-)

  7. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas Jenni, and I wish you a very Happy New Year.
    Have a great time in Sydney!


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni