
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Creative Fusion.

Hello dear friends,

Prior to Christmas, I joined up to participate in an online course, "Of Towers and Turrets" created by Sharon Tomlinson and Deryn Mentock. I did wonder if I would have the time to do it ... but decided I wanted to do it so much I just HAD to make the time!

The course is described as "An exquisite Fusion of Mixed Media and Mixed Metals".
There are many elements about this course that are brand new to me and consequently, it will be a challenging and yet an exciting process.
I have never really used paints (I guess I did in my school days ... but that was SO long ago it doesn't count!)

Sharon's expertise and input is in the painting and collage area and Deryn's speciality is as the metal and jewelry teacher. I am hoping that the combination will lead me to a more artistic approach to jewelry-making.

I have only recently started to apply myself to beginning the course.
I bought the requisite paints etc, with me to Sydney while I am on holidays and have had a bit of fun playing around making some stencils and word stamps.
Here are a few of my beginners efforts...still a lot to do!!

Stencilled color paper


and more!

Hand made word stamps.

I am looking forward to the next step ... more play with the paints!

I hope you are all enjoying your holiday break as much as I am.

Until next time,


  1. looking like a fun e-course to participate in Jenni. Like your samples and look forward to where you go with this

  2. That looks like fun Jennie and you certainly have an eye for colour and pattern - love those stencils!

  3. Interesting... Hope to see where you go with this. Love what you have so far! :)


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni