
Sunday, October 30, 2011

I Heart Macro- Wood Love

Hello dear readers,

Goodness...Sunday seem  to come around quickly these days! I often look back on the week and wonder about what I have really achieved.

Since retiring from paid employment, the days somehow seem to go so quickly. With no real structure to my day, it is easy to 'waste' hours of time on no real thing......a little extra sleep in...a little extra time browsing know how it goes! Before you know is nearly lunch time and the day is disappearing before 'things' have been started!! (or before I am even dressed!) Every day is like a Sunday, really.
I have GOT to get more disciplined if I want to achieve more in my day!

Anyway... on to Macro Sunday....

I love wood. All sorts of wood. Both new and old.
Our house is full of many varieties of wood.....the old part of the house has Baltic Pine floors, the newer part, have Blackbutt floors. The piano is Burred Walnut, the inherited sideboard and formal dining table is Cedar. The new table is made from Tasmanian Blackwood.
Sounds like a real mish-mash when I read that back..but all seems to fit together.

We have been wanting a narrow side table to sit at the end of the dining table in our family area and I have been wondering about what could fit in well with this melee of wooden styles and colours. Should it be a solid colour... could I be brave enough to have red or aqua (If I could find an aqua one of the right size, I would not hesitate!!)

Yesterday, we found a bleached wooden one which fitted the dimensions and some of the style requirements... so we have bought it home for a few days to see if we like it. The side table is a good match with the lighter tones of wood colour found in the floor.

It is made from elm and has been is quite rustic in both appearance and finish. The drawers are deep enough to hold napkins and cutlery which is a real bonus.

It is not quite as pink as this in real life. The large pot is an old French olive oil container.

Handle detail up close.
This photo reminds me of I Heart Macro - Door Knobs of Florence post.

Full handle up close.

Wooden dowels have been used instead of that!

It sits not far from the kitchen which is quite, stainless steel and off-white stone benches.... but I am a person that loves a combination of old and new, so that's o.k in my book.

What do you think...should I keep it or continue looking.......!!?? ( my husband groans when he reads this line!)

Please check in to Studio Waterstone to see more up close photography "for macro makers and the camerologically challenged" will love it! Click on the photo below to take you to the site.

studio waterstone

Until another day, 


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Bead Table Wednesday - 26th October

Hello dear readers,

I wish I could say there is something stunning and outrageously beautiful on my bead table today......!!
No.....I am STILL working on my basic wire skills and will be for some time to come, I think!

This week, I have been going through a few jewelry books and have been practising a few elements from them.

I love the book "Bead on a Wire" by Sharilyn Miller and from it I have been making "easy links" with the idea of making a chain.

These are made from 15-gauge copper, as that is what I had on hand. In the book, it says to use 20 gauge wire for these this will end up a little chunkier looking...but, hey..that's will just be extra sturdy!

"Easy links" - the start of the chain.

More easy links!

The pile!!

"Pendant Dependents", also from "Bead on a Wire".

The coiled wire link in the last photo is from the book "Wire Style 2" written by Denise Peck). This link design is used in the "Encircled Bracelet" (designed by Cindy Wimmer) as shown in the book. ( Love this book!)
I definitely need to practise these some more.....this was my first try. 

Please click on the btw logo on my blog side bar to see what other btw fans have on their tables this week.

And that's it for today folks,

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Little Gem

Hello dear readers,

No, I am not talking about gems of the sparkly nature but rather a quaint wooden ferry.

This sweet wooden boat was built in 1947 and originally plied the waters between Palm Beach and Patonga and the Hawkesbury River (Sydney, Australia)...serving the "Riverboat Mail Run"

Originally called "The Westhead", she is now berthed at  Gem Pier, Williamstown, Victoria...and has been re-named "Little Gem".
She still goes out on half day cruises for those that love to experience the charm and romance of a bygone era.

Today I am linking up to Texture Tuesday with our host Kim Klassen
The challenge this week was to include two of Kim's textures in our photo...I included the rustic crackle of "Crackerjack" and "Vintage" textures.

Head on over to join in the fun.



Sunday, October 23, 2011

I Heart macro - a cold day at the beach.

Hello dear readers,

It seems that Spring has flown ( I am in Australia) and in it's place Winter has has been grey and raining.
However, that did not stop me venturing out.....looking for some interesting Macro shots.

I am not a beachy type of person. Saying that, I do wish to clarify and explain that I love WALKING on the beach or sitting on the beach on a nice (not hot) day....I just loathe going to the beach with the masses and roasting in the sun...getting all hot and sticky and burnt is not my type of fun.

So today was a good beach-strolling type of day...perhaps a bit cool...but fine to get outdoors for a while and also take the opportunity to find something a little different for my Sunday post!

I was a little disappointed...even the sea life was sheltering from the grey day.....but I did manage to find many different varieties of sea-weed that looked just right for I Heart macro!

Love these green fingers! Look at that texture, too!

There are about 5 varieties of seaweed in this photo.

Love the pretty pink!

Nice contrasts.

Popped bubbles!

And a dash of my favourite aqua.

It always amazes me just how much beauty can be found when you take a look up close!

Please join in and take a look at I Heart Macro for all the other participants photos....

Until next time,


Saturday, October 22, 2011

A visit to Cloudhill - Nursery and Gardens.

Hello dear readers,

Last week, I made an excursion to 'Cloudhill', a stunning garden and nursery.
'Cloudhill' is located in Olinda, 36 kms east of Melbourne, (Victoria, Australia) in the area of the Dandenong Ranges.

'Cloudhill' was originally a working garden pioneered by the Woolrich family during the 1890's. At one time, it was a plant and flower farm.

Now it is a garden, nursery and restaurant combination and a wonderful place at any time of year for both a meal and a day contemplating the beauty of a unique and historic garden.

Here are a few photos of my time spent there...I could give you more...the beauty of the plants and vistas there are astounding...every time I turned a corner I found something new and breath-taking.

One of the many walk - through garden areas with a view to further afield. The gardener is trimming one of the many hedges and sculpted plants.

The white Viburnum is stunning next to this old wall. Beautiful Japanese Maple (on the far right ) grow well here in the cooler climate of the mountains.

A path meandering down to the woodland area. Bluebells and Solomon's seal grow prolifically in the meadow and underneath this old tree.

An old fashioned Columbine (or Granny's Bonnet) also likes the dappled shade of the woodland area.

This is a Waratah, the floral emblem of New South Wales, an Australian state.

A beautiful old seat in the shade.

Sweet Apple blossom...can you see the tiny insect on a leaf in the middle of the photo?

Quirky and colourful garden ornaments at the shop.

Beautiful isn't it!? 

Hope you are all enjoying your day,

Cheers for now,

Friday, October 21, 2011

Color Time - the 3rd Color Palette Walk.

Hello dear readers,

As I mentioned in previous post, today would be the day of the Color Palette Blog Walk.....hosted by Brandi. This is the third colour palette walk organised by Brandi...and my second.

Come along and join in for a colour feast for your eyes.

As it is Spring here in Australia, my garden is overflowing with colour and perfume. Here is a small
offering of that beauty found definitely brings me so much joy to be out there amongst it all.

Just look at these pretty colours!

Here are the links to the other participants. Have fun!

Francesca at Francesca Watson Designs --
Lori at Pretty Things --
Marsha at Marsha Neal Studio Blog --
Cindy at Sweet Bead Studio --
Kerry at Kab's Concepts --
Cynthia at Ornamental Style --
Linda at Linda's Bead Blog & Meanderings --
Emily at Good Things* --
Erin at Treasures Found --
Brandi at Brandi Girl Blog --
Jenni at Jenni's Beads -- 
Shari at Exploring the Wonders of Life --  

Enjoy your day,

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Color Palette blog walk - It's Happening again!

Hello dear readers,

I love colour.

I am learning about my likes and dislikes in regard to color. I am learning there are no colours I  truly dislike... even the colors that may not be favorites can look great mixed with others that are right for it.

One of my biggest problems with color is that I really like so many different colours!
I confuse myself with color choices at sometimes I find it is good to step back a bit and consciously think about color and color combinations and why they work together (or not) instead of always being reactive with the ones I tend to favour.

So for  the above reasons...and because it is fun, too, I have signed up for the Color Palette Blog Walk, round 3 at Brandi's blog.

This time around the topic is "What's the Color of Your Joy?".

It will all be happening on Friday October please come back then for a bit of color love!

The list to participate might be closed, ( you can always message Brandi about this..I was a lucky late entrant) but if you are wanting to learn how to make a colour palette regardless of participation to the walk, there is a free template on Brandi's well as many other  wonderful tip share ideas.

This was a photo and palette I did in a previous color palette blog walk ..."What inspires you?"

  My garden is a definite source of inspiration, so this was an easy choice.

If you want to learn more about color and the color wheel, another fantastic blog is The Kat Eye View
The link I have included will take you to Kat's Color Wheel article, part 1.

Check it out..there is SO much information there for all you color lovers!

And remember to come back Friday 21st...there will be a list of participants blogs for you to check out and enJOY!

Cheers for now, 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How to take a screen shot of a layers panel

Hello dear readers,

I just love the blogging community.

Elaine from Pink Tree Studio sent me the information how to make a screen shot of a layers panel in Photoshop. I had seen these before, especially on the Texture Tuesday link photos and wondered how it was done. Thank you, Elaine. This week I lost my photo edit trouble with that now!

So, I am passing the information on to anyone else who would like to know how to do this..I couldn't believe how very easy it is!

The photo below was just a quickie edit to see how it worked. ( I am on a Mac, by the these are the mac instructions)

1. Do your usual edit in photoshop.
2.Press Command + shift + 4 and a little target icon appears
3.Drag it and select the area you want to take a picture of, on your layers panel
4.It will magically appear on your desktop.
5.Add to your blog post...I added it to my Blog pics, then uploaded in the usual way.

Here is Elaine's link on how to take a screen shot for those on a PC.


Bead Table Wednesday - The basics!

Hello dear readers,

As some of you might know, I am participating in an on-line jewelry making run by Deryn Mentock. It is called "The Build Zone - solid foundations in mixed media jewellery." I am enjoying myself immensely and have been practising a little most days since I started.

Like many courses, it starts with the basics and that is what I have been working on all week. So, needless to say that is what is on my bead table this Wednesday.

Copper hooks, love the cherry red ends. These have had Liver of Sulphur treatment

Copper S- links

Twisted jump rings

Some basics ( carnelian beads)

More copper clasps and connectors.

The growing pile.

 Briolette wrap with chalcedony -  I am finding these very difficult to get neat. ( 24 gauge copper wire.)

And that's it for me today folks,

Enjoy your day.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Texture Tuesday - a Touch of Red.

Hello dear readers,

Today I am linking up to Kim Klassen - Texture Tuesday. This week is all about the colour red....I chose to have just a "touch of red" in my contribution this week.

My parents in law had a great selection of slides of their 8 children.
To make better use of the slides, my Mother in law, Molly, had a lot of them transferred to discs  and then gave a disc to each child. A much better idea for the preservation of those treasured memories.

I really love the old is so great to look at the young children in those photos.... children who I have only known as adults.

This is Greg.....having fun on his large 3 -wheeler.
 This was a' pre - training wheel' type of bike, for the young children not quite ready for the 'danger' of a two-wheeler! And just look at those cute, red, short overalls!
By the way, Greg is now in his 50's and doing a PhD.

I used 2 different layers from Kim Klassen to texture and age this photo. ( I have mis-placed the written list of the textures I used - sorry- will need to be more organised in future!)

The original...I cropped it a little...goodbye large pole and most of the house roof!

The other family slide I have used in this way, was the 'Yesteryear' edition.- Kangaroo Feeding Time.
Have a look if you wish...

To see more photos of the red edition, please click on the Texture Tuesday picture on my blog side-bar and it will take you direct to the cafe at Kim's site. ( photos may not be up yet...just keep looking!)

Cheers for now,

Monday, October 10, 2011

Patty's Giveaway

Hello dear readers,

Just check out this lovely blog. Patty at My Life under the Bus is having a giveaway of a custom etched brass plate and charms and beads.

They are beautiful and so uniquely 'her.'

So pop on over and take a look!

 Just look at these beauties.

Have a great day,

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Spring Joy

Hello dear friends,

My garden is delicious at the moment.

Heavy Spring rain (It is Spring time in Australia) has brought about abundant growth and it seems like the garden has sprung to life almost overnight.
I love this time of year.....the weather is just right for gardening, not too hot or cold.
The earth is easy to dig. Colour and fragrance abound. A delight to the senses all round!

Today I am linking up to I Heart macro...hosted by Lori at Studio's a feast of photos for the lovers of close up photography.

Check it out... maybe join do not need a fancy camera......just a love of taking close-up photos.

Here are my contributions for this week.... what else but garden love of course!

Lavender is always so reliably beautiful. I added a texture to this photo from Kim Klassen and text for the fun of it.

I love the color variations in this gorgeous rose.

studio waterstone

Cheers for now,