
Sunday, October 30, 2011

I Heart Macro- Wood Love

Hello dear readers,

Goodness...Sunday seem  to come around quickly these days! I often look back on the week and wonder about what I have really achieved.

Since retiring from paid employment, the days somehow seem to go so quickly. With no real structure to my day, it is easy to 'waste' hours of time on no real thing......a little extra sleep in...a little extra time browsing know how it goes! Before you know is nearly lunch time and the day is disappearing before 'things' have been started!! (or before I am even dressed!) Every day is like a Sunday, really.
I have GOT to get more disciplined if I want to achieve more in my day!

Anyway... on to Macro Sunday....

I love wood. All sorts of wood. Both new and old.
Our house is full of many varieties of wood.....the old part of the house has Baltic Pine floors, the newer part, have Blackbutt floors. The piano is Burred Walnut, the inherited sideboard and formal dining table is Cedar. The new table is made from Tasmanian Blackwood.
Sounds like a real mish-mash when I read that back..but all seems to fit together.

We have been wanting a narrow side table to sit at the end of the dining table in our family area and I have been wondering about what could fit in well with this melee of wooden styles and colours. Should it be a solid colour... could I be brave enough to have red or aqua (If I could find an aqua one of the right size, I would not hesitate!!)

Yesterday, we found a bleached wooden one which fitted the dimensions and some of the style requirements... so we have bought it home for a few days to see if we like it. The side table is a good match with the lighter tones of wood colour found in the floor.

It is made from elm and has been is quite rustic in both appearance and finish. The drawers are deep enough to hold napkins and cutlery which is a real bonus.

It is not quite as pink as this in real life. The large pot is an old French olive oil container.

Handle detail up close.
This photo reminds me of I Heart Macro - Door Knobs of Florence post.

Full handle up close.

Wooden dowels have been used instead of that!

It sits not far from the kitchen which is quite, stainless steel and off-white stone benches.... but I am a person that loves a combination of old and new, so that's o.k in my book.

What do you think...should I keep it or continue looking.......!!?? ( my husband groans when he reads this line!)

Please check in to Studio Waterstone to see more up close photography "for macro makers and the camerologically challenged" will love it! Click on the photo below to take you to the site.

studio waterstone

Until another day, 



  1. KEEP IT!!! I absolutely LOVE it. The knobs are wonderful. Fabulous.

  2. I think you should take it back so I can buy it. ;o) Seriously, the table is awesome. Your macros make me want it even more.

  3. I chuckled at Grandma Deal's post....too funny
    I'd keep it, its a wonderful piece...and great shots of it

  4. Keep it Jenni, it is a beautiful piece of furniture and it looks lovely in your home. I love the macro photos of the piece. I am a big fan of wood also.

  5. Oh my gosh, it's gorgeous! I vote keep it!

  6. A beautiful piece of the knobs.
    Amazing workmanship on the drawers.

  7. Really cool table, (I wouldn't dream of parting with it) and what a great idea to photograph it in this way! Love it!

  8. It is gorgeous - I say keep it! The macro photos really show its beauty.

  9. What lovely captures of these textures. I love wood too, so lovely in your home

  10. what a beautiful piece and beautiful pictures! I say keep it as well!

  11. Stop looking :) It's a stunning piece and looks beautiful with your floor...the metal pulls are wonderful!

  12. Jenni, I think it is gorgeous! I would totally keep it if I were you! The others are right, it looks beautiful with your floors and the metal pulls, the wood dowels, everything, just an amazing piece!

  13. Great photos - thanks for sharing. I love all the texture you were able to capture. Wood is one of those lovely subjects to photograph, isn't it?!!

  14. Oh what a beautiful piece! Lovely metal, too! (I think you should keep it!)

  15. I like it and wood is good cause it can be painted if it is necessary to do so if there is too much different wood:)

  16. Keep it!!!! Oh my it is just gorgeous! Love the last wood photo!

  17. Gorgeous shots Jenni!! I love old timber furniture - it has such a rustic & homey feel about it!

  18. Ok, I know you don't know me from Adam, but I vote for keeping it. : )
    I somehow stumbled onto your blog--and am really enjoying it.
    The table is beautiful. I love everything about it--the narrowness, the drawers, the handles, the grain. It's a keeper. :)

  19. Oh, Jenni. That table is to die for! LOVE it. I'd very happily take it off your hands. :)

  20. These are beautiful images Jenni, and I do SO love the table!

  21. Thank you so much to each and everyone of you sweet people that has made a comment on my seems the very loud consensus is I should keep it...everyone in the family likes it it looks like it is a to pay for it now!! Next...a painting to go on the wall....!


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