
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Color Palette blog walk - It's Happening again!

Hello dear readers,

I love colour.

I am learning about my likes and dislikes in regard to color. I am learning there are no colours I  truly dislike... even the colors that may not be favorites can look great mixed with others that are right for it.

One of my biggest problems with color is that I really like so many different colours!
I confuse myself with color choices at sometimes I find it is good to step back a bit and consciously think about color and color combinations and why they work together (or not) instead of always being reactive with the ones I tend to favour.

So for  the above reasons...and because it is fun, too, I have signed up for the Color Palette Blog Walk, round 3 at Brandi's blog.

This time around the topic is "What's the Color of Your Joy?".

It will all be happening on Friday October please come back then for a bit of color love!

The list to participate might be closed, ( you can always message Brandi about this..I was a lucky late entrant) but if you are wanting to learn how to make a colour palette regardless of participation to the walk, there is a free template on Brandi's well as many other  wonderful tip share ideas.

This was a photo and palette I did in a previous color palette blog walk ..."What inspires you?"

  My garden is a definite source of inspiration, so this was an easy choice.

If you want to learn more about color and the color wheel, another fantastic blog is The Kat Eye View
The link I have included will take you to Kat's Color Wheel article, part 1.

Check it out..there is SO much information there for all you color lovers!

And remember to come back Friday 21st...there will be a list of participants blogs for you to check out and enJOY!

Cheers for now, 


  1. I've seen people doing those color palettes and I keep thinking that I should try one. Yours looks great!

  2. I've thought about taking part in the color palette blog walk but I am just awful with Photoshop, lol!

    There isn't a color I don't love either, but I do tend to be a bit obsessed with blue. :)

  3. This sounds like fun Jenni, and what a wonderful photograph this is!

    Sending you wishes for a beautiful weekend!

  4. I am always intrigued by color combinations! Looking forward to seeing your results.

  5. Thanks, Tricia,Wendy,Lia,and Leigh...hope to see you Friday

  6. Hi Jenni,
    I love color too and would be hard pressed to limit "my favourite color" to just one color. The prompt, "What's the color of your joy?" sounds like fun. I will have to check out some of your links.

  7. jennifer, Thank you for stopping by...I hope to see you on Friday.

  8. So cool! Will just have to come back on Friday....Your Iris color palate works so well at this time of the year!


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni