
Monday, September 5, 2011

Mixed media Jewelry classes

Hello dear friends,

I am very excited to tell you I have joined up to participate in the on-line class - The Build Zone- solid foundations in Mixed Media Jewelry.

It is run and hosted by Deryn Mentock who makes gorgeous jewellery using vintage findings, gemstones and metals.
As the name suggests the classes will give a good solid foundation of basic, of course a glimpse in to Derryn's design process and the addition of resources etc.

Some  of the more basic techniques I probably already know how to do......but, hey, that's ok to go over them again and refresh my skills....and also start doing some metal work again which I have put on the back burner a bit lately.( and have never been very confident with anyway!)

Here are some inspirational photos of some of Deryn's work...gorgeous aren't they!!

All the above photos are from Derryn's blog.

The actual course does not start until there is still time to register if you are interested.....




  1. Have fun Jenni I would love to join in but right now I just don't have the funds.

  2. Thanks Therese for popping by....maybe you can do it another time..I have been waiting a little while to participate.

  3. This sounds wonderful Jenni!
    Please keep up posted on how it goes.
    I would love to see what you make!


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni