
Sunday, September 4, 2011

I Heart Macro - Hello Spring!

Hello dear readers,

Spring has arrived in south eastern Australia - and the place I always notice it happening first is in my own garden.

One of the first trees to start budding and then flowering is the Malus or Crab Apple of the most  beautiful trees in my garden....and a favourite for many are a few...

-it has fabulous blossom, the colours are varied and  constantly changing when they open,
- the tree shape is very pleasing,
- and I love the way it spreads across my little studio and gives protection and shade in our harsh Summer sun.

These are the first flowers of a truly beautiful display to come....

Beautiful blossom in multiple shades of pink.

Don't these look so pretty and delicate?! Love the stamens, too.

Fabulous bud colors.

The bluebells grow underneath the Crab Apple and they are emerging the colour and  striations 

Noticed this 'little' case - moth on my apple wonder some of the emerging buds are being nibbled...!

Today I am linking up to I Heart Macro.....hosted by Lori at Studio Waterstone. If you wish to join in the fun  and see more closeup/macro photos join us there by clicking on the link below.

studio waterstone

Cheers until next time...hope you are all having a wonderful weekend,


  1. Hooray for spring. Lovely images of your spring garden. The emerging Crab Apple buds are gorgeous.

  2. Oh, I miss spring! The photos are incredibly beautiful!

  3. very pretty, we're finishing off summer here and its refreshing to see such sweet spring blossoms

  4. hey gorgeous, fab photos...crab apples have really pretty flowers, I love them aswell! Fantastic bark shot but for the life of me I cannot see the moth??

    also scratching my head trying to work out your seasons, I know {I think!} Winter is towards the end of the year but where does Autumn come into the line-up? confused!


    hello gorgeous xxx

  5. Lovely flowers. It would be sooo nice, if you join us at Weekend Flowers :) You are warmly invited!

  6. Love those photos and spring is a wonderful time for gorgeous photos! Love the pic of the tree!

  7. Crab apples are one of my favorites too!!! We had bought a gorgeous hot pink one for the front of our old house and I miss it in the spring. These are beautiful!!!

  8. Beautiful pictures. I cant see the moth either! Love the bark photo as well. The pink is so pretty with all its varied tones.

  9. Beautiful photographs! Love them all!

  10. beautiful pictures!! I'm so jealous I wish we were heading into Spring again, we'll be heading into a very very looooooooooooong and cold Michigan Winter :(

  11. These are beautiful Jenni. Your second photo and the bluebells are very lovely. I love spring too!

  12. I love the tender blushes of pink on the flowers!

  13. Thank you for your lovely comment Jenni. My children are growing older now and help look after each other. The youngest is now 3, and everyone has jobs to help with, plus my 19 year old is a great help all round too. Life is much easier for me now than it has been for many years.

  14. These pictures are so fabulous! Those bluebells as well as the moth case are just wonderful. . .of course all of your shots are lovely (those two are just my favorites!)


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni