
Sunday, September 18, 2011

I Heart Macro - Lily Love

Hello dear readers,

Time for a little macro love....
As per usual I am linking up to Lori at Studio Waterstone today for I Heart macro: close up photo fun for macro makers and the camerologically challenged!

Come along and join us for all the fun...there are a lot of interesting photos on I Heart Macro.
Or come and join in...It is not hard and you do not have to be a fantastic photographer to give it a go!

My contribution this week is a collage of lilies photographed over a 6 day they arrived in my home in tight bud....until they opened in to full bloom.

I absolutely adore lilies, they are one of my favourite flowers...apart from the annoying brown stamen which stains if you get it on your clothes, etc. I have been known to cut them off, but I do find the flower then looks a little strange and naked.

Does anyone else do this to their lilly stamens??! I left them on for the photos..they do look better in their natural state!

studio waterstone

Click on the link above to take you you there...

Cheers for now,


  1. Beautiful! I love lilies, especially white ones!

    Enjoy your week!

  2. These are so elegant! Yes, you should remove the stamens if your lilies are going to be anywhere near people! People who make floral bouquets say to wipe off the stamens of Stargazer lilies because they stain fabric. (As for "chocolate" sunflowers...they are just one of the many varieties available in seed packets. In my area, sunflowers need to be planted in March, probably, but I tend to wait until it quits freezing at night. They are easy to start in little peat pots inside, though.)

  3. Thanks Evelyn, I am going to look in to planting some of those!

  4. What gorgeous pictures, Jenni - as always!

  5. Incredible shots! What's not to love about the elegant lily!

  6. I love lilies too. I love the way you have presented yours, wonderful collage.

  7. Ooo very pretty Lillies are one of my favorite flowers. Wonderful photos Jenni!

  8. Holey smokes, that is so awesome! Lilies are so pretty! Great shots!

  9. Oh, thank you so much's really easy to do with Piacasa!

  10. That should be Picasa..time I went to bed...too much blog hopping through the Bead Soup!

  11. stunning shots, so delicate and fresh

  12. Love these -they are gorgeous! Love how you did the photo layout, too! (wish I knew how to do that!)

  13. So pretty I love the bottom left shot! Happy Sunday!

  14. Jenni, your photography is stunning! I love the collage you've created. I know what you mean about the stamens. I've picked up stains from them myself, but I love the look of them. I think they're part of what makes the lily blossom so interesting. You've done beautiful work here.
    Hugs, Terri

  15. Beautiful photos and flowers!!
    Your beadwork is wonderful also! Thanks for your sweet comment, I really appreciate it!

  16. I love lilies specially white ones. I don't buy them inside ever because the scent is so powerful that I get migraine of it. I have planted them outside and I'm going to plant more when the bulbs arrive.
    Beautiful collage.

  17. Hey Jenni, this is off topic because your email address isn't in your profile so I had no way of contacting you. Please feel free to delete this once you get it.

    To drill glass, porcelain, rocks, shells or anything like this you simply use a diamond bit in your drummel with your piece underwater in a shallow dish. Go slow.


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni