
Sunday, September 25, 2011

I Heart Macro - Calligraphy brushes and box

Hello dear readers,

It has been a busy week.

I have been steadily working my way through the very large list of Bead Soup participants blogs...I think I am up to  no. 111 on the list. It is a massive task...but I am determined to visit each of the 362 participant's blogs. I have been working my way through the list.....slowly but steadily. There is an awesome amount of beautiful jewellery to see. Come and take a look if this is new to you.
(If you missed out this time...take a look at the Bead Soup link, above, and you will notice the 5th Bead Soup is due to start in January....all the particulars are there.)

My partner and I are no. 82 on the list is my submission and here is my partners submission 
I have been reading the Bead Soup submissions at night, as I have been busy in the garden during the day.

Spring is here in Melbourne and the days have been glorious, so I have been trying to get some work done in the yard. There is always so much to do in a garden at Spring time!

Over this last weekend I have painted a paling fence which divides my property with a neighbour. In keeping with the grey that I have painted on my new deck surround, I have painted the fence in a charcoal colour.....and it look awesome. There is a lot more to do and of course, once you start you need to do all of the fence...both sides front and back will be tackled throughout the week.
Then of course, there is the selection of new screening trees, herbs etc... and so the list goes on!

Needless to say, I have not been the most prolific blogger this week!

I do, however, always love to link up to I Heart Macro ( No matter how busy I get!!) and here is my submission for this week.

These are the handles of the two calligraphy brushes I own. The lower one could possibly be a carved  Jade...not too sure of the top one...but I love it anyway! I just love the hint of green with the speckles.

Close up of the brushes.

This is the sweet little antique Japanese box, which I was told is a calligraphy box. The little drawers were used for storing the ink stone..the larger drawers were used for the papers and brushes.

For joining in with all the 'I heart Macro' fun, please click on the photo below to take you to our host, Lori's site.

studio waterstone


and goodnight,


  1. stunning the box....what a treasure....

  2. Very cool! Love the close up of the brushes! So fun!

  3. love it! It's always so amazing the detail and textures that can be seen and captured from behind a camera :)

  4. Amazing the details of the brushes. I am in love with that little box though. Gorgeous!

  5. Beautiful! Those brushes are gorgeous and the cabinet even more so. What a lovely piece to have in your house.

    I am with you on making my way through the blogs - I started with the people straight after me, worked my way to the end, then started again at the beginning. Then I realised I was taking ages and started visiting everyone who had commented on mine - haven't made it all the way through yet!

    By the way, I am eagerly awaiting you announcing you are starting to sell your beads :-) whenever you do, you'll have one very eager customer here :-) x

  6. Beautiful shots Jenni! I think on the top brush those might be ceramic beads. I love the Calligraphy box.

  7. Great shots!! I too am still working through the beads soup list - amazing stuff over there, too!

    I love the shot of those brushes - they are amazing!!

  8. The brushes are beautiful and I love the angle of the shots. The calligraphy box is so unique. I don't think I've seen anything like it before!

  9. Hi Jenni! I just finally finished bead souping today... and I am exhausted. LOL. I love these shots of the brushes! So beautiful!

  10. I'm lovin the brushes up close...Great set of photographs! Thank you!!!

  11. You have found quite a little treasure in that box. I love your brushes close up. Lovely angle of view and depth of field.

  12. Wow, those handles look so beautiful! Sounds like you're enjoying the outdoors. Hope this week is even better!

  13. I've never seen such pretty brushes - I was sure they were beads! Amazing!

  14. Great blog, keep up the good work. Glad to see sites like this. Paling Fence


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni