
Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Hello dear readers,

Sorry I have been slacking off in the  blog-posting department. I have been very busy packing up some of my home prior to home improvements.

We have just recently commenced the renovation; a  new kitchen / dining area, and freshening up the family room and outside deck area will be (hopefully) completed over a 2-3 month time frame.

I can't believe I packed 71 boxes from this (relatively) small area! 62 went to storage along with furniture etc.

We are using the laundry as a make-shift kitchen. The new outdoor (bar-b-que) fridge is in the laundry and we are using that for the moment. The electric frypan is our main cooking appliance as well as the microwave oven and a toaster. So, all in all, it works pretty efficiently.

Old kitchen - now 23 years' old. The wall on the left has now gone - making way for an updated open plan kitchen and dining area.

The empty family space. Carpet will be replaced with beautiful floorboards. New curtains/shutters will be installed and a new paint job will be carried out, too!

The wall is down! Most of the kitchen has gone. Windows will become doors opening to the outside deck which will be extended a little.

New kitchen will be placed in this area, previously the dining area.

Still so much to has only just begun!

I will keep you posted and try and not bore you to death with TOO many house photos! 

Bead making has come to a standstill...although I did spend some time during the recent cold and rainy weekend tidying and labelling glass rods.....feeling quite virtuous really!!

Until next time,



  1. Wow! What a job ahead of you, please post all the pics you want...its very interesting! :) Looks like you are going to have a lot of wonderful open space :)

  2. OMG .... I can only wish you lots of luck and patience , I only change the face of the cupboards and I was mad for about few weeks

  3. Wow! Best of luck in doing all the renovations. It will be lovely!
    Enjoy the day, Jenni!

  4. I can't tell you the number of times I've gone through renovations. But it's like childbirth -- as tough as it can get, you'll forget all about the pain once it's over and you have a gorgeous new living space! Meanwhile, we'll hold the space for you here!

  5. Haha! We too have lived through this and it is EXACTLY like childbirth lol@Kathleen! Looks like you have a fantastic space - I can't wait to see what you do with it.

  6. I know hard it is to live in the space you are renovating. We were constantly doing that in our old house in the NW. Here in Vegas we did floors and two of our bathrooms. Good luck and it is always fun to see the big change. Sounds wonderful that you will have doors opening to the back deck. I would love that.

  7. Oh please post lots of pictures! I can hardly wait to see what it looks like as it goes.

  8. Sounds and looks exciting! Out of chaos comes order... as hard as it is but it will be so nice when finished. I love open spaces! Keep us posted!


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