
Sunday, July 31, 2011

I Heart Macro

Hello dear readers,

Sorry I have been MIA for so long.
Life has been VERY busy for me recently. Thank your to all my followers who have still been dropping by even though I have not been posting regularly. Thank you for your comments. I have appreciated them all so much.

My darling Dad, who recently turned 90 has just recently moved in to permanent residential care.
After months of ongoing illness, my sister and I felt this was the best solution for him, needed for his  health and ongoing care.
Needless to say we spent many hours looking for a place that we felt would be a match for Dad.
I found it very emotionally exhausting even though I knew logically it was a necessary and  the right thing to do.
Combined with a house renovation... and you may see why I have been MIA!

Anyway,  I am starting to get back in to the swing of blogging again... by joining in to I Heart Macro, hosted by Lori at Studio Waterstone. Here is my entry... a delicate pink camellia.

This plant was given to me a few years back by a dear elderly friend. I nearly lost it last year due to dry weather and water restrictions... I cut it back brutally.. and this year, this lovely plant is now laden with buds and flowers.

Please click on the  photo below to take you to all the fun at studio Waterstone.

studio waterstone



  1. gorgeous colour....very delicate ;o)


    hello gorgeous xxx

  2. Beautiful flower, I love camellias, our first one finally bloomed when i was expecting our first child, a daughter and it bloomed ONE pink bloom, I knew right then we had a girl on the way! Sorry to hear about everything with your Dad but it sounds like you and your sister have taken much time and care in the decision and you are all blessed to have each other.

  3. Gorgeous colors and petals are so delicate. I understand about looking for a perfect place for your loved one. We had to do that for my grandparents in 2001 and it was an emotional time because we wanted a great place for them. We finally found it and it worked out great. I hope everything works out for you and your family. Take care!

  4. Lovely flower! I love camellias too and have tried to grow them, but without success. I'm sorry to hear about your dad. My mom had a stroke a few months ago and my sister and I have been taking turns caring for her, but avoiding discussion of moving her from her home. Blessing to you and your family.

  5. That is a beautiful shot of the camellia. It's not easy making decisions for our parents. I hope all goes well.

  6. Your camellia is thanking you for your tender care, and I'm sure your father is as well. Welcome back.

  7. very pretty flower! hang in there - sorry you are having a tough time

  8. Very Pretty in Pink!

  9. Gorgeous! The pink is so soft and pretty. Sorry about your struggles finding the right place for your Dad. You are lucky to still have him, I lost both my parents in the past couple of years. Hugs and I hope things calm down for you.

  10. Oh what a hard desicion to make XOXO - this is lovely I am glad you were able to save it! (((Big Hugs)))

  11. I'll be sending good thoughts your way - that bloom is just incredible!

  12. So soft and pretty! Your dad's a very lucky dad to have daughters so caring and thoughtful. I pray everything works out like you want it to.

  13. Very nice photo. It almost looks like 2 different flowers put together. Beautiful.

    I think it is incredible that you and your sister were able to spend some time checking out places for your father to find a place you were comfortable with. I know how tough that can be.

  14. What a beautiful picture. Hope your Dad is enjoying where he is and you are getting a chance to relax a bit!

  15. I hope your Dad is adjusting well.

    A beautiful shot. I dream of a macro lens, someday!


  16. I hope that your father is comfortable in his new place. I know how exhausting it is emotionally to do this. Wishing you a lovely respite to renew your energy. I love your macro, what a gorgeous photograph.

  17. Thank you to everyone who has visited .I am touched by your empathy and your kind comments. It is so very nice to have such lovely on- line friends.


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