
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Texture Tuesday - Burano, Italy.

Hello dear friends,

Today my Texture Tuesday post is a photo taken on the little island of Burano, Italy.  I visited Burano in March this year and enjoyed the brief time I had there looking at these pretty colored houses. Somehow, the colors appeared to sit so well there, however I am not too sure if I could ever be this adventurous with choice of color on the outside of my own home. ( although I could easily go with  palette selection of the first group of houses!)

Burano is a small island located about 45 minutes by ferry from Venice. It is a pretty fishing village with a populace of about 3,000 inhabitants.
Its little streets and canals are lined with bright pastel-colored houses. It has been said that these bon-bon colored houses have their origins in the fisherman's desire to be able to see their own house when heading home from a day at sea.

The  group of houses I chose for my Texture Tuesday photo, are certainly some of the more subdued color choices on the island.

On this photo, using Photoshop Elements, I .....

1.  Cropped the left side
2.  Applied hue-saturation adjustment
3.  Removed a pole and wiring using the clone tool
4.  Added KK Mayzee texture, soft light 100%
5.  Doubled up KK Mayzee, soft light 79%
6.  Removed some texture on the hanging clothes.
7.  Added KK Mayzee again, overlay 36%
8.  Added a hue-saturation adjustment again
9.  Added KK Warm Sun texture, with soft Light 100%
10. Added Soft Focus "effect".

Overall, the adjusted photo has a far softer, aged look compared to the original below.

The original photo.

These houses are more colorful!  Totally gorgeous!

Pretty lilac colored house in a cobblestone square.

If you want to have a look at more texturing fun, please click on the Texture Tuesday logo on my blog side bar to take you to the website of our host, Kim Klassen.

Cheers for now,


  1. Amazing editing! Love the aged look you were able to create.

  2. I love your work on these images! Thank you for posting your "before" shots, too. It really shows your artistry.

  3. Really nice results...I agree that it was nice to see the "before"!

  4. I WANT TO LIVE IN A PURPLE HOUSE!!! Just gorgeous - I love what you did it almost looks like a paiting! It is amazing how they have kept that colorful tradition all these years.

    Happy Tuesday Jenni!

  5. beautiful shots, i feel like i just had a vacation...

  6. This is so wonderful!! I can almost hear the 'bike bells' dinging, sounds of shoes on cobblestone. conversations at the upper windows, sea sounds, etc... Love the colors and really love what you did with the 'aging' of the photos!

  7. Beautiful colors and textures...Love the softened photo 8)

  8. Oh wow! I may never get to these other countries, so it does my heart good to travel from my seat with you! Thank you for sharing this loveliness. I think that the textures are way too cool.
    Enjoy the day!
    P.S. I wore my 'Jenni's Secret Garden' necklace at Bead & Button this past weekend and got rave reviews. I was delighted to tell them I know the glass artist who sent me these beautiful beads all the way from Down Under!

  9. Jenni, What a beautiful spot to go for a holiday. And your texture work is lovely as always! Thanks for the recipe, it's interesting and always a good lesson to learn how one goes about their processing.

    Be well

  10. Well done Jenni! The difference between the two photos is very professional looking. Thanks for sharing. By the way, isn't Italy beautiful? (okay I'm biased, Italian is my background)!


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