
Sunday, June 12, 2011

I Heart Macro - Beach Glass

Hello dear friends,

I love beach glass...I always look for it when walking along any beach.(that doesn't happen that often!)
It is pretty hard to find and I always feel like a little kid when I do find even one small piece.
I love it's smoothness and the worn, faded colors.

One day I will make a bead set and etch/tumble it so that it looks like that soft beachy look...
I did actually make and etch some discs which you can see here if you wish.

If you Heart Macro too, please visit Lori at Studio Waterstone to see other macro photos - click on the photo below to take you there and join in the fun.

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  1. I've never found beach glass on the beach before and I've been to the beach what feels like a hundred times. Then again, my location may not foster beach glass...ever. I know in Charleston you'll starfish, in Myrtle Beach you'll see jelly fish, and in Jekyll Island you'll see sand dollars (my favorite!), but never once have I seen beach glass. Maybe one day... It looks really pretty. :)

  2. I love the soft colors of beach glass too. I live in the Chesapeake Bay area, and local jewelry makers find pieces here. That's a great shot!

  3. Great shot. The reflection on the shiny part looks as if it is still wet from the sea.

  4. Beautiful texture Jenni - lovely image. I'm sure I've seen beach glass, but it has never occured to me to pick it up - driftwood yes!!!
    Next time I'm on the beach I will keep my eyes peeled!

  5. Thanks everyone for dropping by and commenting.I love hearing from you all and marvel every day how wonderful the blogging community is all around the world.
    I often look up the areas where people live so I know where in the world you are located. Going to look up Chesapeake Bay now...

  6. Wonderful texture! Even though I've never been to the beach, I love beach glass. The green piece is very nice and will make a beautiful bead.

  7. Oh I would love to be able to walk on the beach and find such treasures. I did take a peek at the etched glass you did....wonderful. I love the textures. Wonderful!

  8. Jenni, you got some fantastic textures going on here! I love beach glass! Beautiful!

  9. I love beach glass too and you are right, it is hard to find, particularly if you don't live anywhere close to a beach! Fantastic texture and color you captured Jenni! Just love it!

  10. Love the shot...the textures, the softness and the colors are great!

  11. Love that green color! I know there was so much of this stuff in the Great Lakes area when I was growing up... and along Lake Champlain...I never thought of keeping any! I would have had a treasure trove considering this was in the 1960's :)))

  12. Love those colors!! I followed your link to your etched beads, AWESOME!! Kristi

  13. I saw a leaf in that green seaglass as soon as I looked at it. Great shot!

  14. Just beautiful - makes me want to talk on the beach. I love the little discs also.

  15. Great shot! I found a piece of beach glass once and then it got lost in the change pile in the ashtray in my car. I think it's probably still there. I occasionally pull it out when searching for quarters and have a nice little memory of Hawaii. :) Thanks for giving me another reason to remember that great walk in the sand!

  16. You are luckier then me too! I never have found 1 piece! Although last year we went to the sound and played with a horseshoe crab for about an hour! He kept running between our feet like a cat! It was so strange I didn't think it would behave like that! Isn't the seashore grand? : )

  17. I love beach glass too, but don't usually find much. We do pick up way cool sea shells, but that's about it! I love the textures in your shot!

  18. What a find! Love the photo. I'm off to click on the link to your discs!

  19. Jenni, what a nice piece of green glass. I love looking for beach glass as well. I have a small jar of pieces I picked up on our honeymoon in Hawaii.
    You mentioned that you were going to look up the Chespeake Bay...did you find it? That's where I'll be spending the summer with the boys. :-)

  20. Cindy, yes looked up Chesapeake Bay...delightful. Now I am reading book of same name by Michener.


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