
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Blog Giveaway

Hello dear readers,

Just thought I would let you know that the very generous Lori Anderson of  Pretty Things has had a successful trip to BeadFest and is having a giveaway on her blog of some items she purchased there.
Here is a photo of two of the goodies you could win.  I LOVE the colors of these faux suede lengths.

A yard each of faux suede from Barbara Lewis

Two stamps from PJ Tool and Supply

Click here to take you to Lori's blog for an opportunity to win one of the six items she is showing there and to see  photos of other items she purchased at BeadFest.

cheers for now,


  1. Hello Jenni
    Yes, the give away over at Lori's is really generous! I'm not going to enter though as she has always been such a generous friend and I've been a receipient of a few of her goodies or two. :-)
    Your beads from Hong Kong are really pretty...just love the colors you chose.

  2. I saw your question about the enameled beads on my blog this morning...they are solid copper rounds with no seams. I didn't realize you could do this, either, but am completely enamored (haaaaaaa) with the techniques on these solid beads.
    And, by the way, I am now late getting ready for work because I've been wandering through your world travel posts. I'm excited to read more about your big adventure and all your finds! haaaaaaaaa

  3. Thanks Cindy and Jen for stopping by.
    Thanks for replying about the solid beads, I had no idea you could do this and find it very enticing...!
    Going back to take another look..!


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni